This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

Quick recap!! May 25, 2010

So I have been a shitty blogger (I don’t even think I can say I am blogger, seeing as one must blog to be a blogger), but whatever. I have been crazy busy with school, my body rejecting me, and then once school and the body rejection had stopped, I needed to take a hiatus from it all, and today is the second time I have turned on my computer in two weeks! So I am going to give a quick and brief recap of what has been going on with me just to catch everyone up to speed. Also, before anyone reads any more, I would really like to thank those that have stopped by and checked on my blog even while I was gone, thank you! It is nice knowing that people still stopped by to check it out while I was being a slacker beyond belief.


Sucked the last two weeks of it! Tons of cramming, and rushing around trying to get everything done while it was gorgeous beyond belief outside, making it damn near impossible to be okay with sitting inside. I had to keep my blinds closed at all times with my back to the window pretending that it was not glorious outside! But once it was all said, and almost all done, I still have an incomplete in one class (I am a procrastinator, I still need to upload one document, turn in papers I have already completed, and upload service learning hours, but I have until June, so I will do that on May 31st ;)) so yeah, that aside, I finished up the semester with all As and one B+ not too shabby!

My body rejecting me

I have described some of my ailments that I have started experiencing this year, and well, throughout the semester, it continued. I only had my lips swell up once, though! But I did have crazy joint pain/swelling/limited mobility of my knees and all joints in my hands. Also for about a month and a half I was sleeping every chance I got, and had a continuous low-grade fever, and basically I felt like I had the flu. My joints got so bad that I couldn’t hold a pencil some days, and it was all I could do to get out of bed and take Noah, my dog, out to the bathroom. I had edema in my limbs, and it just hurt to move. Got all sorts of blood work done, and nothing was wrong with me. Only thing I can think of is maybe it was a mild depression, and symptoms were strongly manifested in my body, or I really just don’t do well with stress. Cause since school has been out, I haven’t had a single problem with any of that. I have been out and about, enjoying the fact that I do not have to thrive off of water pills, NSAIDs, and all that junk! I finally feel like a normal vibrant 24 year old again, and it is AWESOME! I feel so great, I have even contemplated started working out, because I can. Which is totally not something I have ever desired before, I loathe it, but I want to make the best of feeling great!


After attending a birthday party for a friend, we got a table in the VIP section of a club and had bottle service- quite fun!- I went home to see [B] and my family. I had not seen them in about a month, and with all that had been going with me, I missed them severely! So I went home to hang out, catch up, and soak up the goodness of being with those that I love! And except for one incident, my stay at home was wonderful! I also learned an important lesson that I want to share with you… If ever someone tells you that they just want you to be happy, and then proceeds to list reasons why you shouldn’t be happy with your current situation, and why they don’t approve of what is making you happy, leave immediately. That is not a friend. A friend wants you to be happy, and friend would say, “I want you to be happy, and as long as you are happy, then I am happy for you.” Whether or not that person likes what makes you happy is not relevant, it doesn’t matter, if you are happy and thriving, then great! If s/he doesn’t like it, and wants you to be happy on her/his terms, then that is not a friend. Don’t be fooled, I learned this the hard way, and I just wanted to share what I learned to help out anyone that I could.

Also while I was home I was able to run out to my favorite used bookstore and pick up 6 books, sadly I have already read four of them. I wish I could make books last longer, but if they are good, I literally can’t put them down. Noah got his summer cut, he kinda looks like a lion, LOL- I will try to take a picture that does his new do glory to post. My time at home was shorten than I would have liked, but I needed to get back to my apartment. I need to find a job, REALLY don’t want to, pharmacy intern jobs are extremely hard to come by, and all are part-time, so I gotta get that figured out.

Now I am back in the A, and I am happy to be back. So far it has been sunny and in the 80’s, so I have been able to be out in the sun! I got here and two good friends were in town so we had dinner and a girl’s night, which was so much fun! Unfortunately, I had caught a stomach bug from my mom, and was sick for the past two days. Today is my first vomit-free day, YAY!!! I celebrated by going to the pool, then out to dinner with two friends. There is no better way to celebrate being able to keep down food than cheesecake, gluten free, of course! So now I am settled back in the A, and I am needing to prep my apartment (make closet space to be honest) because [B] is going to be moving in with me here in the next couple of months!!! 😀 Hooray!!!!!!! I am more than excited for this, if it wasn’t obvious. So yeah- that is a semi-quick recap of my life.


Who says change is a bad thing?! March 30, 2010

I have been doing a lot of soul searching and thinking lately. Sorry if I have not been blogging so much, but I have had a lot going on with me other than just school. And I have come to several realizations that have helped me to understand my anger that I have let get the best of me. I can’t control the actions of others, but I can control my reactions. I examined all my past relationships with family members, friends, myself, and past boyfriends. I do not have a history of dating assholes, so it is not a pattern of mine. But after examining the relationships that have been the most meaningful to me, I have seen some trends.

The people that I let make me feel bad about me, are the ones that I am closest to. I am generally a selfless person, and I fully understand that the world does not revolve around me. I think this is part of my problem. I am the one that will usually give in to a close friend’s wishes, even if it is something that I don’t want to do. When they say something that is mean to me, I let it slide. I do my best to be there for them, even if I am having a hard time with something. There have been times when I was going through a rough time, and I really wanted to talk about it, only to mention it, have it discussed for maybe five minutes before the subject is changed. I would never try to re-direct the conversation back to what I felt I needed to talk through, because it seemed like there was a lack of interest from the other party. I would just hold back, push my thoughts/concerns aside, and would give in to what the other person wanted. It makes it especially hard when that person is very opinionated and has no problem telling/pointing out to me every time I do something that isn’t liked. I can tell people that I am not close to off, but when it comes to someone that I care about, I don’t want to upset them, so I generally just hold everything in, and stay quiet.

I realize a lot my anger comes from having people I am close to tell that what I am doing is wrong when they don’t like what I am doing, even if it is what is best or needed for myself. I am also sick of people telling me that everything is my fault. I love how others can be so quick to point out all my flaws, pick me apart, lecture me, talking down to me the entire time, while ignoring what is going on with themselves. There is a lot you can learn about others by listening to them scrutinize your life. It is amazing how much they self-project. The things that they don’t like about you, are generally pronounced qualities that they, themselves posses. It is this “I am so much smarter, better, and I can do the same things that caused me to be upset with you, but it’s okay when I do it” attitude that I can’t take any more.

I have been looking at when my relationships with people have been at their best and at their worst. There are some that have been there with me during my rough patches and my good patches, they have been consistent. While the amount of time that we talk or hang out may vary, it is their attitude and support of me that has never changed. I do not feel that they like me more when I am a certain way, they seem to like me just as much no matter if I am having a hard time or if things are going great for me. I have noticed that I have a few people in my life that seem to like me best when I am most down and like myself the least. Issues seem to arise when I am happy, in a good place, and have a lot going on with me. It has been cyclical, and like I said, I have had a lot time to think about this. Maybe when I am down, I call more, but I don’t think that is the case. I think it is that when I am down, I have no fight in me, I cave in even easier than I do normally. I don’t press anything, I don’t have a lot going on in my life, and I don’t care to let someone else have the spotlight, or take up more of my time. But when this dynamic starts to shift, things just seem to crumble. I don’t know…

But I do know that I am tired of letting people undermine me, make what is going on with me seem less important, getting mad at me for the same things that they do, which I am just supposed to dismiss, because in the end, it’s all my fault. It is not my fault. I am adjusted to my new home, I have new friends down here that I am close to (it’s amazing how quickly people being subjected to the same stresses and troubles, i.e. pharmacy school, bond), and I am finally taking control of my life. I am going to do what I want and need to do. I am tired of trying to cater to people who expect it from me, but don’t reciprocate. I am changing, I am growing, learning from my mistakes, living in a new city with new friends, and trying to have a healthy relationship with myself.  And like with every relationship, this one requires time and effort to maintain and strengthen it. And like all other relationships, it has its own dynamics that change, and part of being an adult is doing what needs to be done to maintain and keep this relationship healthy. So yes, I am changing. This does not mean I am a flake, a bad person, someone completely different from who I was a year ago, I am just more informed. I have learned from my mistakes, and am working to correct what I don’t like. Just because you redecorate your bedroom, so that it is changed and different, it is still your bedroom. I hate when people tell you that you have changed, like it is a bad thing. People grow and people change, and maybe if you really listened to them all those times they were trying to reach out to you, but you were just waiting until it was your turn to talk again, you would realize that this is what they were needing.

I have decided to take a stand. I know what I am tired of hearing and what makes me angry. And I am taking a stand against it. I am finally doing what I have wanted to do for so long, and that is do what I need and what to do to make myself a better and happier person. It feels good to not have to apologize for something that isn’t my fault or something that isn’t wrong. I will not let people walk over me anymore.  I am no longer letting others put me down or make me feel bad. I finally feel like I am back in control of my life, and it is a beautiful thing.


Sorry, I had a little spring cleaning… March 23, 2010

Sorry for my hiatus! I needed a break from everything. Finals before spring break just about did me in. Not only was I stressed beyond belief about finals, my mysterious medical issues, I have been trying to break through some mental barriers. I am back, thinking much better, and I am more aware and conscious of myself. I have been in counseling, and it has been mentioned to me that I should write about what I am feeling or what is bugging me. So for awhile, my blog may not be as trivial as it has been, and if the change is not appreciated, I sincerely apologize, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

What I want to know is why does it seem that those we no longer have nor want in our lives are the ones that end up sticking with us the longest? I am not talking sticking with us in a physical sense, but in a mental sense. The people that have hurt us and mistreated us the most tend to be the ones that work their ways into our minds and thought processes. So not only do we have to eradicate their physical presence from our live, but then we get the pleasure of having to eradicate the thought processes they have trained us to use.  Huh? Not sure if that has made much sense, so I will put it more simply.

I am currently  in a relationship with the most amazing guy. He makes me so happy, and he is so supportive of me. He is one of the reasons why I have been able to make so many new friends down here. I am normally really introverted, and more often than not, when I get an invitation to go out, I would love nothing more than to stay home. But he was the one to give me the gentle push forward to go out and meet new people, and to not shy away from them. When he is around I can relax and just let loose. That awful tightness I get in my middle back and neck disappear when he is around. I always have the best time with him, and his presence has the wonderful effect of making me way less neurotic. And if you know me, that is an amazing, not only for me, but those around me as well. To sum it all up, we have been together just over a year, and I am so in love with him.

So what’s the hang up? My ex. I am not hung up on him, rather in the recesses of my mind, I still have thought processes that have been embedded over years of his emotional abuse and manipulation. For almost four years, I let him talk me down, every mean thing he did was in some way, shape, or form was my fault (or so he said). At first, I thought that was ridiculous, how was it my fault you decided to cheat on me? But me being the naive girl I was eventually caved in and started to think that it must have been in some way my fault, I couldn’t see why someone would do something so mean and hurtful to someone that didn’t deserve it. So when it happened a second and third time, yep, both of which were my fault, because I wasn’t in the same city as he was, instead of never talking to him again, I listened to what he had to say. And part of me believed it, otherwise there would have been no way I would have stayed in that crap relationship for so long. Not only did that happen, but he would point out things about me that I was self conscious about (I don’t care how self confident someone is, we all have something about ourselves that we would like to change) and talk about it, and overall make me feel awful.  We would get in arguments, and he would then give me the silent treatment afterward as my “punishment” for arguing with him. The fighting got bad enough that one night he hit me a couple of times, and things got pretty bad. The relationship stalled for a bit, and we tried to stick with it, but honestly, I was broken and tired, and just didn’t have anything left in me to give. I hated who I had become, and I just didn’t really care much about anything anymore. And it ended. Sadly, I was upset about this, but I mean, four years is a long time, even if it was shitty, and really the only explanations I have are the fact that I am perfectionist (ME?! I know you’re surprised) and Munchausen syndrome.

These thoughts that he put into my mind usually don’t come into play. If one of those bad thoughts starts to rear its ugly head, I can usually dismiss it. Unless I am stressed and inebriated, and things can get bad. If I am in this state, and something someone has said or done can hit a nerve. I am hypersensitive to somethings, and if one is triggered, it is bad. And no matter who makes the comment or action that sets me off, [B] is always the one that I direct my anger to. And by anger, I mean WRATH, I lose it, I explode, it’s terrible. You know how people say that they were blind with rage, well it’s this kind of rage. It is all the built up anger I have towards my ex and myself. I am angry that someone treated me like shit when I didn’t deserve it, but mainly I am angry at myself for dealing with it. This doesn’t happen often, and it took awhile for me to see what was going on. I feel bad that I have done this to [B], and I want to let go of this anger.

So yes, I have been talking with someone to work through my anger, anxiety, and to try to help calm my thoughts. I think it is has helped so far. I have been able to see where I have been a doormat for some because it was what they expected and wanted, but I realize that now, and I know that I am a strong person. It’s odd, but I only let those that I felt I was very close to walk all over me, only people in my very small circle of highly trusted people. I have no problem standing up to those that I am not close to, but I guess this is where part of my perfectionism comes into play, and since I only care what my close friends and family think about me, they are the ones that I allow to walk over me. So I have been working on mediation to calm and control my thoughts, I have been trying to do what I want and not what others want me to say or do, and I have decided that I need to take this time to stand up for myself and stop letting others make me feel bad about me. Because I like myself. I know who I am, and I know who I want to be, and I am working unite the two. I am happy with the current path my life is on, and while it isn’t easy, it is what I want. While some may not like this, I need to be selfish right now. I have so much going on: I’m trying to work through my anger at myself and my tendencies to allow others to walk all over me, God knows what is going on with my body (other than the fact that it doesn’t like me, still swelling and will discuss later), and pharmacy school is really damn hard.

With all this, I have made the decision to surround myself with those that fully support me. Those that don’t need me to be down to feel better about themselves. Those that understand I am going through a lot right now, and that I am changing and growing as a person. Those that are willing to support me going out on my own and making new friendships with others, building relationships with others down here so that I feel connected and have a support network down here as well. People that understand, I am busy and do have other people in my life that are very important to me, that they aren’t the only people in my life I want to see and spend time with. I am lucky that I have such a loving and supportive boyfriend and family, they have done so much to help me. While they are miles away, they have helped me more than they could ever know, I am so thankful for them, and I love them more than anything.


How often do you see a monkey in a bar?! February 25, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — divinem @ 8:33 pm
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I am back. School has been killing me! So much going on, and I have decided to take a couple day break before throwing myself into studying for finals. I’ve not been doing much, other than school, of course. I did get to go out with the girls last night, we decided to have a little black dress party, went out for food and drinks. We ended up going to some club, I never caught the name of the place, I only mention this because it is the only eventful thing I have done in a while, and there was a monkey there! Yup.  A monkey. He was super cute, he was brushing his teeth/drinking. I now want one.

I have fallen in love, and I want! Yeah, I was obsessed with this adorable little guy! I mean, it would be kinda hard to not fall in love with this cutie! I think that my puppy wouldn’t mind having one around the apartment either. I think he would welcome such a cute brother. Just think of the fun and trouble the two could get into. Needless to say, I spent most of the evening looking at the monkey. I was texting with [B] telling him that I needed to get one. I did not leave him alone until I got him to promise and swear that I can get one. LOL. I am relentless. Poor [B], he has to deal with my nonsense. But I sure do love him for it! So yes, overall this monkey has pretty much been the highlight of this week. Good news though, all the studying has paid off, I got a 100 on my anatomy and physiology test, and a 93 on my pharmacy management test. I suck at management, I am science-minded, and it is damn near impossible for me to try to learn anything in that class! So, this is just a quick update, and cute picture to oogle. Ladies’ long program is on the Olympics tonight, and seeing as I used to ice skate, it is my favorite event to watch! So I promise to write more soon!


One woman’s garbage (bag) is another’s treasure?! February 5, 2010

Today during class, my friend was looking something up on her phone, sniggering. She then leaned towards me with her phone extended and told me to look at what she found. I quickly glance and this is what I saw:

I look over at her and ask if it was what I think it was. She has a smile on her face and nods her head. A garbage bag bag!?! I look more closely and not the name plastered on the side… Louis Vuitton. Wow… Apparently it is made of a coated canvas, I think it kinda looks like patent leather, either way it’s better than thin plastic, I suppose. But hey, it is waterproof! And you can remove the shoulder strap and carry it just like a regular garbage bag, talk about versatility! Personally, I would not recommend removing the strap, for this simple reason… What if you were leaving home, and you wanted to take the trash out at the same time? You would have to be very careful to make sure you did not throw away the wrong bad! I mean, how embarrassing would that be?! If you were needing to get your wallet out of your purse, you hoist the bag up, open it, reach your hand in, and pull out some nasty garbage. Embarrassing and nasty! Something to ponder…

But I mean, to each their own. It is clever, and I guarantee that there will be plenty of people that end up buying the Raindrop Besace. Truthfully, I wish I could think of something like this, put my name on it, and sell it for approximately $2000. But then again, my name isn’t Louis Vuitton. And if I could fork over the $2000 for this bag, I would probably get it just for the novelty and to see what others would say to me about it 😉


Birds of a feather!!

My group of friends and myself went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner last night with at lot of girls from school. Everyone was sitting around talking and having a good time. We showed up late, as usual, and were able to grab some seats at the end of the table. On the way to the restaurant we were in the car talking about how much we like Mexican food when the subject of margaritas was brought up. It was decided that we would split pitchers, seeing as you get much more booze for your buck!

So we get to the restaurant, grab our seats, and order a pitcher for us. As our drinks come, we start to settle in, take off jackets, get comfy, and look around at the other girls there. We were pretty much the only ones drinking, and the only ones that order a  pitcher. In the end we had two pitchers, between five girls, not that much, but still way more than the others. We all noted this and started to laugh about it. There seems to be a reoccurring theme when we go out with others. We are always either the ones that order drinks when no one else does, or the ones that order the most drinks.

In fact, one of the first times we all hung out together at the beginning of the school year last semester. One Tuesday night, within the first two weeks of classes, a large group of girls got together to go eat sushi. A sort of get together and get to know each other deal, which are usually kinda awkward because the majority of us didn’t know the others too well, or at all. [B] was in town, and I was able to bring him which was nice. As it happens [B] and I were late, we got lost ***I am always late, but since moving here this has become even worse due to me getting lost constantly and having no clue about where I am and where I need to be.*** So [B] and I sat down at the end of the table. I had been out to eat with two of the girls once the weekend before, but I didn’t know them well at all, and the girl across from me I didn’t know at all.

To start of dinner, [B] and I got a drink each and ordered a bottle of sake to split. The girls I was sitting with also ordered wine and sake. We started drinking waiting for our food to come, and we ended up passing the sake bottles around trying the different types. After my first glass of wine was gone, I said that I was going to get another. The girl next to me said that she wanted one as well, and we decided it would be better if we just got a bottle. Which we did, split between three of us. As we were finishing up the meal, someone mentioned sake bombs, and by that point we really were up for pretty much anything. We were talking, laughing, carrying on, and having a great time. So when we order the round of sake bombs, I notice that some of the girls at the other end of the table are looking at us kinda in an odd manner. None of them were drinking, and well, we obviously were. This was made more obvious by the fact that it was so segregated. It makes me laugh because this segregation was not intentional at all, it just happened.

And yes, when we go out now, we are still the ones to do this. It’s pretty funny, and always makes us laugh. I guess sometimes people have a kind of sense about others, and they just naturally fall into groups that like themselves. I think after that first night, we knew that we would all get along just well.


Unbachelorette part 1!! January 30, 2010

Well, it is post-unbachelorette party #1 day, and overall last night was fun. We met up at a friend’s place, pregamed, and then went out for the night. We went to a very nice bar, don’t get me wrong, but while the crowd at the bar was pleasing to the eye, it was not bachelorette-friendly. This crowd consisted of many “good-looking” people, but most of them were med or law students, AKA they were in the same boat as we are… None of them had money to be buying extra drinks, which did not bode well for us financially! ***It is important to note here that we were not just playing the bachelorette party card to get free drinks; it is a brillant excuse to wear tiaras, crowns, sashes, ridiculous dresses, and get all dolled up and all.*** So yes, this bar was filled with people in much the same financial position we are currently in, and the drinks were not flowing. But all, in all, we had a great time. We went to a couple of fun places, hung out, danced, took WAY to many pictures, and had a ball!! We eventually ended up at Korean BBQ resturant, and overall the evening was a success!! Any night that ends with friends sitting around a table sharing food and stories is a great time for me!


And a merry un-bachelorette party to you!! January 29, 2010

[B] left today, and I am pretty sad. I always hate it when he goes, it makes my apartment seem so much more lonely than it was before hand. We had a great time together, we always do. We went out for fondue last night, and it was great! I love that we can sit at a table for two hours and have plenty to say to each other. We are definitely not one of those couples that sits at a table in silence all meal long. So, on top of being totally bummed out because [B] went home, I am also down because I have caught a head cold from a classmate. My head is now stuffed to the brim with snot, mucus, and other grossness… So delightful! I am sure I was a pretty sight for [B] this morning as he was leaving. Me all sad faced and snot faced, in other words, Adorable! LOL.

So yes, I am totally down in the dumps today. But, thank goodness for friends! They know just how to cheer a girl up! Last weekend, we were out at dinner and got on the topic of bachelorette parties. Basically, how much fun they are, how random people seem willing to buy rounds of drinks for the entire group, and how fun it would be to go to one. Well, we then decided that we were going to have pseudobachelorette parties. AKA we would get dressed up, with the appropriate bachelorette veils, pins, sashes, etc… We would then proceed to go to a bar and see how many free drinks we could get and have a good time. We figured to be fair, and make the most out of it, we could go to different places and each of us could have our own party. Well, tonight will be the first pseudobachelorette party of at least four! Hopefully it will prove to be a fun time, and hopefully we can pull it off successfully! LOL! I will let you all know how it went!


Yes, I am an idiot!! January 20, 2010

Sorry, for the lack of posting. This weekend/beginning part of this week was rough for me. And it was totally my fault.

As mentioned many times previously, I lose tons of stuff, and I am super unorganized. I know that what I say next may cause alarm, but I promise it is true… When I drink, this problem skyrockets. I know… What am I smoking? Alcohol can do that?! But, it is true!! Please keep this in mind as you continue to read.

I have cut back significantly on drinking. I used to have a glass of wine almost every night. If some of you think this is too much, well, sorry, I disagree. At home, I drink red wine. *I prefer the taste, but I can’t drink it out because after one glass my teeth and lips start to get purple.* It goes great with food, good circulation/blood pressure (one glass) this has been proven–

**NERD TALK ALERT!!!! IF YOU AREN’T A NERD OR DON’T CARE HOW IT HAS BEEN PROVEN, SKIP THIS!** Red wine contains polyphenols, at least one of these polyphenols stimulates/turns on the enzyme responsible for nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric oxide causes vasodilation, making blood vessels dilate. This helps to temporarily decrease blood pressure, and really helps with circulation, my hands and feet warm up, and are no longer scary white or blue-ish colored.

So yes, I have cut back. I had been drinking like 3 glasses a week, max. I have never had a tolerance, and I think my body takes longer to process alcohol than other people’s, I don’t know… I digress. I met up with my school friends and we went out Friday night. We pre-gamed— Terrible life choice, and should be avoided. Then we went to the club/lounge kinda early. We were on a guest list that closed at 11, and we didn’t want to pay $20 for cover. We get there early, and have drinks. Well, it was a long night. More people we know show up, and the night lasts longer than expected. My feet hurt, I was tired, and ready to head home. I missed [B] terribly, I always do, but being out makes it worse, we always have so much more fun together. Anyways, I closed out my tab and we are sitting around waiting for everyone to gather together so we can leave. This take some time, but we finally all get together and head home (in a cab, we were safe).

I get back to my apartment, and I go to call [B], when I realize that I don’t have my phone. I freak out, because that is the only phone I have down here, and I don’t have my school friend’s number memorized. I didn’t want [B] to worry about me, and I promised him I would call when I got home. So I did what any sane, rational person would do. I sent him an email (he never checks it, he’s worse than me) and signed up for Skype. I don’t know how it works, but I tried to no avail. So I go to bed. I wake up after a couple of hours, and I try to find my phone. My friends did not have it. I try to go to get a new one, and I find that my debit card and ID are also missing. ??

Long story short, I spend all of Saturday running around town from pay phone to pay phone trying to find my life. As it turns out, some very super, crazy, nice and considerate person picked up my phone (left it on the table while waiting for people) took it with him and contacted my emergency contact people in my phone. I drove about 150 miles all over before I finally got my phone! I really can’t express how thankful I am! I called the cabs,  but nothing was known about my card and ID. The only thing I could think of was I dropped them in there and didn’t notice. So after canceling my debit card, I decide to head home. I needed to get a new ID made, and I needed to get away to see my loved ones. It was a terrible day. I drive three more hours to get home home, and my friend calls me, she has my ID. She picked it up for me.YAY!!!

This is why there was no posting. I apologize. I am an idiot, and I was spending this weekend learning a very valuable lesson. I am definitely too old to be doing this shit, and all I have to say…. This is my life, really?!?!


I know, I suck! January 2, 2010

Filed under: This IS My life! — divinem @ 4:31 pm
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I promise I have not fallen off the face of the earth! I have been home for the holidays, and this entailed trying to see everyone I could. This is the first time I have gotten on the computer since December 14th! I know crazy! I finished up my semester, packed up my computer, and forgot all about it! I am terrible about checking my computer when I am at home. I don’t know what it is, but I just really struggle to remember to check my computer when I am not in school. Terrible habit, I know. And this is not an excuse. I just wanted to write this to let you all know that I am still here, and I will be writing more soon! I have a TON of blog surfing and reading to catch up with everything that has been going on with you all, and so I shall begin my make-up blogging! I will have more to write later, which will be soon, I promise! So I am off to start reading and catching up on all that I have missed!