This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

It’s a good thing puppies are cute! November 22, 2009

I am home. I packed up my clothes bag, my shoe bag, and my dog’s bag, and we made the journey home yesterday. It is good to see family and friends, and know that I don’t have to run back to school immediately. I have all this glorious upcoming week off for break 😀 YAY!!!!!!!! So I arrive in town last night, and I was looking forward to spending the evening with my little brother. We usually have a great time together. We decided to bring the other two family dogs with us so my puppy could have dog friends to play with as well. One of the dogs is old, love her, and the other one is still a puppy, like 6 months old.

I forgot that with puppies you can’t leave anything laying around unless you want it to get chewed. I have been pretty lucky with my dog, the only pair of shoes (and the last!) that he chewed on were an old pair of flip-flops that I didn’t have any attachment to. But he learned never to do that again, he had a stern talking to. And aside from the occasional pair of underwear, WTF?! Dogs are so nasty!!!!!! And the odd writing utensil a few times a year, we had a disaster where he ate a pack of highlighters (he was pink, blue, purple, orange, yellow, and green as was the carpet) he doesn’t chew up what he is not supposed to.

It is obvious that my brother’s little (adorable) white, puff ball demon chewer tried to gnaw on one my favorite new pair of shoes! I am a shoe-fiend. I love them. If I wasn’t so attached to my dog, I would probably name them and they would be my surrogate children. When I am in a bad mood, I like to look into my closet where they are displayed, and I feel a great calming, soothing wave wash over me. So the little chewing fiend got severely reprimanded, and put in the kennel. That was last night.

This morning, I had left my glasses on the end table by the couch. Again forgetting that the abominable chew monster was on the loose. I hear him chewing on something, and of course, that something was my glasses! ARRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I about killed him! Thank goodness that he had only gotten a hold of the part that goes behind the ear, and only gotten in about two good chews. But I mean really?! So I have been thinking of getting a pet dog for my dog, so that he has someone to keep him company while I am not there. But I am really not too sure I am ready to deal with a puppy again. All that chewing, peeing and pooing, that is no longer an issue with my dog.

****For all you fanatics out there, please note: No animals were injured at any point that I was retailing. They would get yelled at, lightly swatted with a newspaper, and put in the kennel****