This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

Maybe we’re all a little crazy… Or it could just be me… November 30, 2009

I tried to stay up to date on the whole blogging thing over Thanksgiving break, and made a valiant effort at first, but then I failed. And for that I am sorry-ish. Truth be told, I was just too busy and having too much fun, which is why I am not fully sorry. It was great going home for a week, I got to see some of my friends that I haven’t seen in months~ for those that I did see, it was so great to see you and I can’t wait to hang out over Christmas break! For those that I didn’t see~ Obviously, we aren’t that great of friends, and please don’t expect me to drop what I am doing to hang out with you over Christmas break 😉 Not kidding. Seeing which people make efforts and plans to see you over breaks really gives you a good idea of who actually is a friend. Anyways…

I was out to lunch with one of my friends that I used to work with, and she was telling me about how she wants to go to physician’s assistant school. This made me laugh. Why you may ask? Does she have a terrible bedside manner? Nope. Is she easily irritable? Nope. Does she get grossed out by sick people? No. I started laughing because she, much like myself, hate to touch people (in general). As I was telling her this, she retorted by reminding me that I too hate having to touch people, and I too am going into health care.

I know what you are thinking, “This girl is a complete fucking moron, going into a hands on profession when she doesn’t want to be hands on, fucking idiot!” But, please don’t judge me. I have a bubble of space. It is my bubble, and I am very protective of keeping its perimeter secure. I am not naturally a cuddly person. I am not a touchy person. I don’t like having to shake hands with strangers that I am just meeting because Christ only knows what may be lurking on their hands! *Again I work in health care, and really some people are just dirty and sick and you don’t want to know what they’ve been putting their grubby hands on*Even with family members, close friends, and [B] (I do cuddle with [B] now, but it took awhile, and we don’t do it all the time or anything), I am not very huggy/cuddly with them either. I just like my space, and I guess I am somewhat independent, I don’t know.

As far as strangers or people I encounter in day to day activities that I don’t know well, I get really grossed out if they touch me. Like I want to scrub the affected areas and then give them a dirty look for invading my space! Trust me, I have seen what is wrong with a lot of these people, very often it is contagious, and I just don’t want to risk it.

I think that it’s kind of like that whole clown fish and sea anemone deal. I am the anemone, I will sting and want to hurt you if you get close to me because I have no idea who the hell you are or what you may have on you. The people that I am close to, ie:  if we do so happen to brush hands or something, I do not want to vomit, are like the clown fish. I know them, they are cool, not dirty, or sketchy and they are immune to my neurotic ways.