This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

Just how stupid do you think I am?!?! November 25, 2009

Like two weeks ago, I received a call from a guy that I hate, [PP]. We went to the same under-grad school, and he was my ex’s roommate. They lived in the same building as me, but below me. This guy really sucks. He is what I have deemed an insecure badass. He always acted like he was awesome and a lot of people liked him, but this was not the case.  He seems to thrive off of drama, and loves to stir shit up just to  be the center of attention. I also had the pleasure of working with him. He didn’t bathe often enough and smelled really badly, our boss at work actually ended up saying something to him about it.Well, things between the ex and I were pretty toxic, and [PP] would tell everyone at work and school about my life’s drama and mess. I don’t really talk about personal stuff at work, it is work, and I don’t think it is appropriate. But he would say stuff about my life when I wasn’t at work, and people would tell me later what he said and discuss my issues with me. I am not okay with this at all. I prefer to keep my personal shit to myself. But [PP] had a big mouth. So I called him out on it, and we got in a huge fight. I basically told him that I would pretend like he didn’t exist and he better do the same with me. He did a few other douche bag things, and after that last conversation we never spoke again.

So like I said, he called and I was pretty confused as to why this douche would try to call me after years of not speaking. Well, I found out why yesterday. I  went to eat lunch with a friend of mine that works with [PP]. Turns out that he is now trying to apply to the school that I am currently going to, and was just wanting to “patch things up.” AKA wanting me to put in a good word for him. When my friend mentioned that she was seeing me, [PP]made some snide comment about me, so obviously he still doesn’t like me, but isn’t against using me. Funny, you are complete and total bastard, but when you want something, you’re willing to call me out of the blue, well [PP], don’t worry. I have plenty of stuff that I can tell the students on the admission panel about you, stupid fucking gobshit! In fact, I would be more than happy to tell them what I think of you, so don’t worry, I have more than a few words saved up to describe you. And don’t worry, I will. I have asked my friend to inform me if he is given an interview at my school just so I can be sure to vouch for his character 😀 And yesI am spiteful, just to prove it check this out, I am that spiteful!