This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

Birds of a feather!! February 5, 2010

My group of friends and myself went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner last night with at lot of girls from school. Everyone was sitting around talking and having a good time. We showed up late, as usual, and were able to grab some seats at the end of the table. On the way to the restaurant we were in the car talking about how much we like Mexican food when the subject of margaritas was brought up. It was decided that we would split pitchers, seeing as you get much more booze for your buck!

So we get to the restaurant, grab our seats, and order a pitcher for us. As our drinks come, we start to settle in, take off jackets, get comfy, and look around at the other girls there. We were pretty much the only ones drinking, and the only ones that order a  pitcher. In the end we had two pitchers, between five girls, not that much, but still way more than the others. We all noted this and started to laugh about it. There seems to be a reoccurring theme when we go out with others. We are always either the ones that order drinks when no one else does, or the ones that order the most drinks.

In fact, one of the first times we all hung out together at the beginning of the school year last semester. One Tuesday night, within the first two weeks of classes, a large group of girls got together to go eat sushi. A sort of get together and get to know each other deal, which are usually kinda awkward because the majority of us didn’t know the others too well, or at all. [B] was in town, and I was able to bring him which was nice. As it happens [B] and I were late, we got lost ***I am always late, but since moving here this has become even worse due to me getting lost constantly and having no clue about where I am and where I need to be.*** So [B] and I sat down at the end of the table. I had been out to eat with two of the girls once the weekend before, but I didn’t know them well at all, and the girl across from me I didn’t know at all.

To start of dinner, [B] and I got a drink each and ordered a bottle of sake to split. The girls I was sitting with also ordered wine and sake. We started drinking waiting for our food to come, and we ended up passing the sake bottles around trying the different types. After my first glass of wine was gone, I said that I was going to get another. The girl next to me said that she wanted one as well, and we decided it would be better if we just got a bottle. Which we did, split between three of us. As we were finishing up the meal, someone mentioned sake bombs, and by that point we really were up for pretty much anything. We were talking, laughing, carrying on, and having a great time. So when we order the round of sake bombs, I notice that some of the girls at the other end of the table are looking at us kinda in an odd manner. None of them were drinking, and well, we obviously were. This was made more obvious by the fact that it was so segregated. It makes me laugh because this segregation was not intentional at all, it just happened.

And yes, when we go out now, we are still the ones to do this. It’s pretty funny, and always makes us laugh. I guess sometimes people have a kind of sense about others, and they just naturally fall into groups that like themselves. I think after that first night, we knew that we would all get along just well.


And a merry un-bachelorette party to you!! January 29, 2010

[B] left today, and I am pretty sad. I always hate it when he goes, it makes my apartment seem so much more lonely than it was before hand. We had a great time together, we always do. We went out for fondue last night, and it was great! I love that we can sit at a table for two hours and have plenty to say to each other. We are definitely not one of those couples that sits at a table in silence all meal long. So, on top of being totally bummed out because [B] went home, I am also down because I have caught a head cold from a classmate. My head is now stuffed to the brim with snot, mucus, and other grossness… So delightful! I am sure I was a pretty sight for [B] this morning as he was leaving. Me all sad faced and snot faced, in other words, Adorable! LOL.

So yes, I am totally down in the dumps today. But, thank goodness for friends! They know just how to cheer a girl up! Last weekend, we were out at dinner and got on the topic of bachelorette parties. Basically, how much fun they are, how random people seem willing to buy rounds of drinks for the entire group, and how fun it would be to go to one. Well, we then decided that we were going to have pseudobachelorette parties. AKA we would get dressed up, with the appropriate bachelorette veils, pins, sashes, etc… We would then proceed to go to a bar and see how many free drinks we could get and have a good time. We figured to be fair, and make the most out of it, we could go to different places and each of us could have our own party. Well, tonight will be the first pseudobachelorette party of at least four! Hopefully it will prove to be a fun time, and hopefully we can pull it off successfully! LOL! I will let you all know how it went!


Yes, I am an idiot!! January 20, 2010

Sorry, for the lack of posting. This weekend/beginning part of this week was rough for me. And it was totally my fault.

As mentioned many times previously, I lose tons of stuff, and I am super unorganized. I know that what I say next may cause alarm, but I promise it is true… When I drink, this problem skyrockets. I know… What am I smoking? Alcohol can do that?! But, it is true!! Please keep this in mind as you continue to read.

I have cut back significantly on drinking. I used to have a glass of wine almost every night. If some of you think this is too much, well, sorry, I disagree. At home, I drink red wine. *I prefer the taste, but I can’t drink it out because after one glass my teeth and lips start to get purple.* It goes great with food, good circulation/blood pressure (one glass) this has been proven–

**NERD TALK ALERT!!!! IF YOU AREN’T A NERD OR DON’T CARE HOW IT HAS BEEN PROVEN, SKIP THIS!** Red wine contains polyphenols, at least one of these polyphenols stimulates/turns on the enzyme responsible for nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric oxide causes vasodilation, making blood vessels dilate. This helps to temporarily decrease blood pressure, and really helps with circulation, my hands and feet warm up, and are no longer scary white or blue-ish colored.

So yes, I have cut back. I had been drinking like 3 glasses a week, max. I have never had a tolerance, and I think my body takes longer to process alcohol than other people’s, I don’t know… I digress. I met up with my school friends and we went out Friday night. We pre-gamed— Terrible life choice, and should be avoided. Then we went to the club/lounge kinda early. We were on a guest list that closed at 11, and we didn’t want to pay $20 for cover. We get there early, and have drinks. Well, it was a long night. More people we know show up, and the night lasts longer than expected. My feet hurt, I was tired, and ready to head home. I missed [B] terribly, I always do, but being out makes it worse, we always have so much more fun together. Anyways, I closed out my tab and we are sitting around waiting for everyone to gather together so we can leave. This take some time, but we finally all get together and head home (in a cab, we were safe).

I get back to my apartment, and I go to call [B], when I realize that I don’t have my phone. I freak out, because that is the only phone I have down here, and I don’t have my school friend’s number memorized. I didn’t want [B] to worry about me, and I promised him I would call when I got home. So I did what any sane, rational person would do. I sent him an email (he never checks it, he’s worse than me) and signed up for Skype. I don’t know how it works, but I tried to no avail. So I go to bed. I wake up after a couple of hours, and I try to find my phone. My friends did not have it. I try to go to get a new one, and I find that my debit card and ID are also missing. ??

Long story short, I spend all of Saturday running around town from pay phone to pay phone trying to find my life. As it turns out, some very super, crazy, nice and considerate person picked up my phone (left it on the table while waiting for people) took it with him and contacted my emergency contact people in my phone. I drove about 150 miles all over before I finally got my phone! I really can’t express how thankful I am! I called the cabs,  but nothing was known about my card and ID. The only thing I could think of was I dropped them in there and didn’t notice. So after canceling my debit card, I decide to head home. I needed to get a new ID made, and I needed to get away to see my loved ones. It was a terrible day. I drive three more hours to get home home, and my friend calls me, she has my ID. She picked it up for me.YAY!!!

This is why there was no posting. I apologize. I am an idiot, and I was spending this weekend learning a very valuable lesson. I am definitely too old to be doing this shit, and all I have to say…. This is my life, really?!?!


Obviously, I want nothing to do with you!!! December 2, 2009

I almost ran out of gas while driving to the gas station today. Literally almost ran out; like my gas light has been on for two days, my car was telling me I had 0 miles left in my tank, and the arm was pretty much below the empty line. Why did I let it get so low? That is what my friend asked me today after I sent her a picture message of my dashboard as I was stopped at a red light trying to get to the gas station. I assure you, I have a perfectly good reason for this! I hate gas stations. I truly hate them, and try to avoid going unless it is absolutely necessary!

My aversion to gas stations began when I was 16, and has only continued to grow. When I was 16, I normally got honked at or had some inappropriate comment/whistle shouted in my direction. As I have mentioned before, I don’t like being the center of attention or encountering strangers that seem like giant creepers. I mean, who really likes/enjoys/appreciates these douche bags?! So I started to get gas at night, so people couldn’t see me as well from the road, and this helped for awhile. But then as if the creepers knew what I was doing, the ones pumping gas near me would try to talk to me. I generally sit in my car to avoid this, but during winter with the dry air and static issue (my mother scared me to death with talks of sparks igniting the gas and me becoming a flaming inferno of death) I generally freeze outside my car. So I taken to pretending that I can’t hear creepers when they say something to me.

I have had way too many strange men come up and say some pretty disgusting and terrifying things to me, as a *single* young woman, living in a big city. I have had men ask me out (annoying), a cop telling me that I was “plum sexy” (very annoying seeing as my car was towed), some follow me for a bit in stores (mildly scary), a seemingly drunk man tell me that he wanted to eat me (scary), and one just recently that told me he could like his eyebrows with his tongue (scary and gross), and a guy shout a ‘compliment’ (harassing of course) at me, then proceed to  follow me around a parking lot for several minutes (terrifying). I mean with stuff like this occurring can one blame me? I may add that in general, I am not all done up and looking cute. More often than not, I look like garbage in my opinion. AKA hair not clean and in a ponytail, no makeup, and jeans. The other day, I was super hungover and had to get gas. I was in my clothes from the night before, I had not brushed my hair, and I was most likely a shade of green. This guy walked from his car (parked in front of the mini-store) towards mine to tell me that I was “a traffic stopper.” Well, I was hungover, and instead of pretending I didn’t hear him, I just looked at him and said, “What?!” Simply because at that point in time I looked like I was on the verge of death. He repeated it, and I must have had a very puzzled/nauseated look on my face. He mumbled that it was supposed to be a compliment and walked away. I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to put air in a practically flat tire, and some old creeper walked up, looked me up and down, asked me if I needed help with the hose and winked at me. I said that I was done, then I climbed in my car and drove off with my tire still flat.

I think that my hate for gas stations is perfectly understandable, and is in no way, shape, form ridiculous or overly dramatic. I just wish that people would leave me the hell alone! I am not friendly, I do not smile, I do not invite these fuckers to plague me, so just please, please, PLEASE leave me the fuck alone!


Just how stupid do you think I am?!?! November 25, 2009

Like two weeks ago, I received a call from a guy that I hate, [PP]. We went to the same under-grad school, and he was my ex’s roommate. They lived in the same building as me, but below me. This guy really sucks. He is what I have deemed an insecure badass. He always acted like he was awesome and a lot of people liked him, but this was not the case.  He seems to thrive off of drama, and loves to stir shit up just to  be the center of attention. I also had the pleasure of working with him. He didn’t bathe often enough and smelled really badly, our boss at work actually ended up saying something to him about it.Well, things between the ex and I were pretty toxic, and [PP] would tell everyone at work and school about my life’s drama and mess. I don’t really talk about personal stuff at work, it is work, and I don’t think it is appropriate. But he would say stuff about my life when I wasn’t at work, and people would tell me later what he said and discuss my issues with me. I am not okay with this at all. I prefer to keep my personal shit to myself. But [PP] had a big mouth. So I called him out on it, and we got in a huge fight. I basically told him that I would pretend like he didn’t exist and he better do the same with me. He did a few other douche bag things, and after that last conversation we never spoke again.

So like I said, he called and I was pretty confused as to why this douche would try to call me after years of not speaking. Well, I found out why yesterday. I  went to eat lunch with a friend of mine that works with [PP]. Turns out that he is now trying to apply to the school that I am currently going to, and was just wanting to “patch things up.” AKA wanting me to put in a good word for him. When my friend mentioned that she was seeing me, [PP]made some snide comment about me, so obviously he still doesn’t like me, but isn’t against using me. Funny, you are complete and total bastard, but when you want something, you’re willing to call me out of the blue, well [PP], don’t worry. I have plenty of stuff that I can tell the students on the admission panel about you, stupid fucking gobshit! In fact, I would be more than happy to tell them what I think of you, so don’t worry, I have more than a few words saved up to describe you. And don’t worry, I will. I have asked my friend to inform me if he is given an interview at my school just so I can be sure to vouch for his character 😀 And yesI am spiteful, just to prove it check this out, I am that spiteful!


Goodbye, Jon and Kate! November 24, 2009

I watched the series finale of Jon and Kate Plus Eight. I used to love that show, until all this drama started going on between the two of them. I don’t care what people say about Kate, she is there for her family. Watching what she says vs what Jon says, you really just can’t feel bad for him. He was bitching about how getting married so young and having so many kids so young took up his life, and he didn’t have a chance to enjoy his twenties. Well, I sorry, but last I checked, you willingly signed up for all of it. You asked Kate to marry you, you both went to get fertility treatments to get the twins, and them proceeded to use fertility treatments again to get the sextuplets. None of those events that ’caused you to miss out on your twenties’ were unavoidable. You signed up for/worked to get where you were. I think that after several years and eight kids, it is a little too late for you to revert back to your early twenties.

People can say what they want to about Kate, but seriously, how would you act if you were trying to take care of eight kids and one douche of a husband? I just feel so bad for those kids.


Open mouth and insert foot! November 23, 2009

This time I swear, I wasn’t the one needing to put my foot in my mouth!!! And it is nice for a change. I met up with one of my really good friends last night for dinner and drinks at one of our favorite restaurants. We decided to sit at the bar, and start with drinks. The bar tender walked up, asked what we wanted, and then asked for our ID’s. As he was looking at mine, he made the comment that I had a birthday coming up. I told him I knew, and sarcastically thanked him for reminding me. He laughed and said, “Well if it makes you feel any better, I just turned 2* this year, I was depressed about it, it was terrible!” Well, obviously this dipshit did not do his job and look at my date of birth, because I will be turning 2* this year as well. We were born in the same year. I responded with, “Well thanks, that makes it even better for me! Because that’s how old I will be turning!” He immediately started backtracking trying to make up for what he said. I know all about this back peddling, seeing as I often have to do this to make up for one of my asshole remarks. I guess he felt pretty bad about this, because when we got our margaritas, made with silver Patron, I couldn’t really tell a difference between the margarita and my water 😉 The strong drinks almost made up for his age comment.

Oh well… I guess at least I still look young enough to get ID-ed. And so begins the drinking season!


TEAM: Together Everyone Argues More November 19, 2009

As I was sitting in class today, I was wondering why professors insist on making us do group work. I understand it makes everything easier to grade, and that they are trying to make us learn how to work in groups, and how to work with others, but if after all the years, and all the school, we still have a difficult time doing so, and it is not pleasant for anyone. I am in a professional program, and from my experience, and speaking from personal experience, people that are in these types of programs take their work very seriously. We were the lab partners that did everything, and it just about killed us to let our poor partner participate, and when they did, we were looming over them making sure everything was done as we would have done it. We are control freaks when it comes to stuff like that. “It it’s my grade, I’m gonna be in charge of it, and I’m going to make sure everything is right.” We are the ones that would offer to organize the group papers, and in the end, re-write them to our standards. Not saying that others didn’t do a fair job, but for perfectionist, control-freaks, it is just too difficult to leave things as they are. We are the nerds, we were the ones that did all the extra work in the group to ensure that it all got done.

So what happens when you put a bunch of over-achieving perfectionists into small groups to work on a set of problems? A lot of brilliant ideas and sharing? Some deep insights gained from combining all of what we know? Since we are all intelligent and willing to participate, the work ends done more quickly? Nope, not even close.

It takes forever! And it is so competitive! You try to rally supporters in the group, and you all pair up and work together against the other that is deemed less intelligent, the one that has had the most incorrect suggestions overall. It is reduced to who can come with the better answer. We argue over who is right and who is wrong, but not in a normal way. Stating the facts absolutely does not matter to the parties involved. We are the type of people that can’t be told that we are wrong, why we were wrong, and just accept it! We have to take it into consideration that we MAY be wrong (even though there is compelling evidence presented by our peer that, indeed, we are wrong) and re-consider the situation. Now this usually ends in one of two ways:

#1 The wrong party makes up an excuse for why s/he came to the original conclusion, but after reassessing the problem, it was discovered that s/he thought the question was asking something different

#2 There was something that they overlooked and since it was overlooked, an incorrect answer was generated

*******Please note: We will never miss something because we are all imperfect, actually do not know everything, and sometimes make mistakes (we are above all that and it does not apply, obviously)*********

The incorrect party then has to re-answer the question in a way that is similar to, but slightly different from all the other responses. This is where the group alliance comes into play. There is a noticeable twinkle in the eye when they hear an “incorrect” answer. This is because everyone is so assured that they know what is best and right. You see the twinkle and notice their jaw tightening and they try to hold back and wait to tear the other person’s idea to shreds. You and your ally have to have similar thoughts and viciously defend your poor little idea in a death match, while at the same time slaughter and decimate the other party’s idea beyond recognition if you want yours to be used. The more people you have on your side, the easier it is to get a “group” consensus, and the more people you have in the quest to beat the other party. It should not be surprising that with all this petty bullshit going on, it probably takes us at least twice as long to get anything done.

Sadly, I am guilty of this. I will not lie, and as I am in the processing of being a know-it-all bitch, I see that the others in my group are doing the same thing. It is contagious, setting off a chain reaction that can’t be stopped, and this is why I find class so draining and exhausting. I am not sure if this is the type of “working together” they intended to teach, but I am learning the importance of having allies in life 😉 Can’t wait to go back to class tomorrow!



Bad Girls Club!! November 18, 2009

While I was sitting on my ass watching TV and piddling around on the computer, I found something out that brought me great joy and excitement! I know, I obviously have an extremely busy life, seeing as I blog just about every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Be jealous of all the excitement in my life! I can feel the envy and see you turning green 😀 So yes, as I was sitting in the noticeable indention my ass has sculpted into my couch ( I tried to sit in a different spot the other day, but it really just want not as comfortable, pretty bad) and I saw it! An announcement that the new season of the Bad Girls Club will be starting on December 1st on Oxygen at 10:00!!!! I have never been a super big reality TV fan, I like Cake Boss, Say Yes to the Dress, stuff like that. I have never really been a fan of Real World, Road Rules, Survivor, or anything else like that, but I love Bad Girls Club! I am not sure what it is about this show, but I really get excited for it!

Basically, it is a bunch of bitchy, overly opinionated, over-bearing and over-the-top less than classy girls, each one of these thinking that she is God’s gift to the world. These girls are placed in a bomb-ass mansion in LA and forced to live with other girls just like them, and one or two girls that are their polar opposite. The other girls are “Bad Girls” in their own minds, but usually these are the ones that the other girls gang up on and dislike. These “bad girls” seem to be bad because they are insecure, they aren’t the ones with attitude problems, they are the ones that have jobs that some may deem less than tasteful (trying to word this so that I am PC is difficult! I do not do PC very well) and generally seem to have some very deep-rooted insecurities. So you put some very bitchy, strong, secure girls in a house with fickle, insecure girls and give them what seems to be unlimited access to clubs, booze, and uncomfortable situations and this is a recipe for drama and disaster! I do not thrive off of drama, and do my best to avoid it at all costs, I will go into seclusion turn off my phone~ basically, do whatever I can to avoid it. But I guess since this drama has nothing to do with me, and there is no way I can be involved, then I am safe from in and it is okay to watch. So, I suggest that you tune in on December 1st at 10:00pm to Oxygen and enjoy the spectacle that I am sure will result. And if this wasn’t enough to convince you, I am not the most convincing of writers, check out the website.


Get a clue! Take a hint! November 17, 2009

Since I got some sleep this weekend, I felt that I could filter myself well enough to go out to lunch with several classmates to celebrate the ending to some of our classes. I was actually looking forward to going out and sitting around with them drinking margaritas and bitching about classes and such. It is odd how our misery is bonding us, I really don’t feel like it is a competitive environment, and everyone is so nice and supportive. We are stuck together and will be suffering with the same amount of work for the next four years, so this is a good thing. Not something that I was expecting, but it is nice and I will take it. It is better than being surrounded by catty, competitive bitches.

Well, chlamydia boy came along as well (if you don’t know who chlamydia boy is, see Oops! I did it again!). I was already sitting at the table with my drink when he came in and sat down. After a few minutes more people showed up and the table filled up. For once in my life I was early to something. This is very rare. I am pretty much late to everything, I don’t mean to be, I just am. So after all the seats around me were taken, we all settled in and started talking. Since I was out of town this weekend for a wedding, I was asking everyone what they did this weekend. I had directed this question to the girl sitting next to me, and as she was answering chlamydia boy decided to speak up and try to tell about his weekend. He continued to talk while she was talking, and eventually he got it. But when someone else started talking, he tried to interject about his weekend again! The girl kept talking and finished. She asked me how the wedding was, and I went to answer and chlamydia boy tried to interrupt yet again with his lame ass story. I glanced at the people around us, and they were looking at me, so I continued. He tried and failed one more time before finally getting to tell about his Friday night, to an uninterested and uncaring audience.

Now, I know that I can be abrupt, and can hog a conversation, but I do try to avoid this, and look for signs of boredom. If it takes you four attempts before you get to tell a story and no one pays attention or asks you to finish it, wouldn’t you think that maybe they didn’t want to hear what you have to say?! I mean seriously! GET A CLUE! Ugh. Not to mention he was trying to throw bits of balled up paper into the shirts of the girls across from him. While we are in school, we are in a graduate program. We are not children. Do not act like a childish,  idiotic, douche bag. I understand being young at heart and having fun and all that. There is a difference from having the mentality of a ten year old boy and being young at heart. I am just glad that I am not the only that feels this indifference, I thought maybe I was just being an impatient, intolerant bitch.