This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

You have got to be kidding me!! December 10, 2009

And so today conclude my week of finals. I still have class tomorrow, and one more test on Monday, but it is just a test, not a final. <Sigh of relief> This week has been quite completely hellacious. It started out with a test on Monday, two quizzes and a final on Tuesday, a quiz and finishing up at my extern site on yesterday, a quiz and a final today~ GAG! Last night was definitely the culmination of my shit week, hands down! I came home to start studying for my final, and found it practically impossible. I have ADHD issues, and I had spent a week doing nothing but school stuff and studying. There is only so much medicine that I can take  and only so much information that my brain can absorb in one week, and it had already reached its quota. Said medication is legally and necessarily prescribed. I do have serious ADD/ADHD issues  that have not been resolved by behavior modification, my parent did try, though. I am annoying as crap and can’t sit still or shut up without it, I have a hard time making it through movies, let alone try to study. So after walking the dog, dancing around the apartment cause I was bored, making dinner, walking the dog, in between trying to sit down and look at my notes for about three hours, I started to play around on the internet. I discovered that I had a hold on my registration for next semester because I needed to get an immunization series, the financial aid department said I was missing documents that I turned in at the beginning of this semester, and that I would have to repeat my extern experience next semester if I didn’t turn in my state license by Monday.

I haven’t been able to find this paper for awhile now, yet another reason why I love ADD. I am holding something, get distracted, set it down wherever, and forget about it. I lose my keys at least 2-3 times a day, my cell phone goes missing just as, if not more, frequently, and keeping track of papers or anything like that, forget about it. The other day, I left my keys in my door for over 4 hours! I was frantically searching my apartment looking for them. I was even checking in the fridge **I have found them in here more times than I would like to admit** I never have any recollection of how missing item got to its current location, but as long as I find it everything is okay. Do you believe me about the ADD yet?

So, upon being reminded that I needed to turn in a copy of the MIA license, I immediately freaked out! I literally took every book and DVD off the appropriate shelves and looked through them, every item in all the drawers in my apartment was removed and thrown on the floor, and as well as destroyed my closet look for that damn piece of paper! It looks like a crazy person has ransacked my apartment looking for something valuable, which incidentally was what happened. So, after hours of searching through my apartment and car, I gave up and admitted defeat. I am pretty positive that I have thrown it away. This led to another round of freaking out trying to figure out how I can get a replacement one ASAP! Sadly, the licensing department is not open and has no one on call to answer phone calls at 3AM? What the?! I mean, maybe some people work at night, so calling during the day is very inconvenient for them! Whatever. I deduced that I was in all likelihood going to have to drive a total of three hours tomorrow to get to the state licensing department, give them money, and beg to get my license reprinted. So this made my night miserable!

This morning, after about four hours of sleep I wake up to my shit filled day! I took my quiz (failed), took my final (grade is yet to be posted), talked to the person about my license, I still have to drive tomorrow (damn), got the financial aid department to fix my account (I knew I turned in that paper!), and got my shot (Ouch!) which has done nothing but make my arm super sore. But at least I have most of my scattered, discombobulated life put back together, for now. Let’s just say that I am seriously looking forward to break, it is much absolutely needed.


I know I have been negligent… December 8, 2009

I know that I have been negligent, and for this I would like to apologize. Also, I would like to let you know that will continue until Friday or so. This week is finals week for me! I have had so much to study for, and so much to do. With the end of the semester, all of my skilled procrastination has bit me in the ass! I am paying for it now. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past few days now. Unfortunately, unlike the chicken, I do not get to stop just yet. It is very fortunate that also unlike the chicken, I get to live.

So yes. The next few days I will be hanging on by a thread, a thread that I am trying to rapidly climb up to make it to the end, a thread that has also been lit on fire which is slowly working its way up to consume me. So, as I am hanging/climbing/trying not to get incinerated, I will not be able to write or read any blogs. I am just bitter right now, and anything I say will reflect this, so actually this may be a blessing for all of you.

To prove how crabby and irritable I have been, I got into a fight with my puppy yesterday, and we NEVER get into fights. That’s right, I am in such a douche bag mood, wanting to pick a fight with anyone/thing (this is what I do when I am pissed and stressed, I want every to feel exactly how I do~ angelic and kind, I know) I got into a fight with my puppy! He can’t even talk! What was this fight over?! His incessant begging! I was eating tomato soup, and he was crying and begging for some! You can’t share soup with a dog, unless you let him lick out of your bowl or put it is his! So I told him no, and to stop. But did he? Of course not! So, I got very annoyed, I held by his shoulders, made him look at me, and said in a very serious and stern voice,  “Stop begging! You aren’t going to get any! You are really starting to piss me off! You may think this crying/begging is cute, but it’s not! It is so annoying!” Well, he didn’t like that one bit. So he got up and went into the bedroom for and hour and a half. This is a big deal for my dog, normally if there is food around, he won’t leave until he knows for sure it is all gone. So we were in a fight yesterday. We ended making up later. He ran into the living room with his beanie bone as a peace offering. And we played fetch. All better!

So yes, I have spend entirely too long explaining this. Hence the reason why I can’t be on here while I have so much to do in so little time. So I will be absent for a bit. It is sad 😦 I do not like it, but it will all be over soon! Nothing like the stress of school to really get you into the Christmas spirit.