This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

I really am loving it!! February 16, 2010

Awhile ago, after much frustration, I decided that I was going to boycott McDonald’s. I put it on my “I am boycotting this place” list, and had not returned. **Yes, I do have a list of restaurants that I boycott and refuse to give them my patronage~ That’s a story for another day** Well, I am a big HUGE fan of the Olympics, summer and winter, and I have been watching them on NBC religiously since Friday night. **You may think I am exaggerating, but no, I assure you, I am not. I have been bringing my computer to afternoon classes to watch them. Yup, instead of listening about COPD and drugs used for it, I was watching curling.**

In my Olympic watching, I have seen many McDonald’s commercials. And if you’ve not heard read me say type it before, I will right now: I AM THE BIGGEST SUCKER FOR ADVERTISING~ I AM THE REASON WHY THERE ARE COMMERCIALS. I SEE, I WANT, I GO GET ASAP!!!! Yes, now, please also know that I love McDonald’s french fries, love them! And I have a penchant for dipping sauces of all kinds. I collect them, I like them a lot, and I get excited about new ones. So, upon seeing the commercial that advertised for the “new” limited time Sweet Chili dipping sauce, I immediately faced internal conflict. Do I continue my boycott of McDonald’s, or do I give them one more chance to win me back? Talk about inner turmoil. **Yet again, if you have just stopped by or haven’t really read my blog, I am not only the BIGGEST sucker for advertising, but I am IMPULSIVE AS HELL! Pretty sure I don’t anyone that is more impulsive than myself when it comes to purchasing what I want**

Needless to say, I did not allow myself to flounder in the turmoil for long. I decided that everyone deserves a second chance,and my was really just a matter of if I am willing to drop my grudge and stop my boycott to give McDonald’s a second chance  **I’m terrible for holding grudges. The more I write, the more I notice I can’t stay on topic at all, and that I am a very black or white person, I have very few gray areas. What can I say? I am a high-strung, all-or-nothing type of girl** [B] was making fun of my boycotts, yes, I do have several, and calling me spiteful. What?! Spiteful?! ME?!?! Yeah, he was right, my boycott arose out of spite. But I didn’t want him to know that he was right.

Therefore, I waited until I had returned to school on Monday **I need to start thinking of this place as home** After class, I ran to McDonald’s, extra quarters in hand just to be safe, and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich sans bun, fries, and a Diet Coke. I paid at the first window, and after I was given my food at the second window, the girl asked if I needed anything else. I asked for several of the Sweet Chili sauces, and she gave them to me without issue! She didn’t ask for extra money, she didn’t try to limit me by only giving me one, and I didn’t have to launch into my spiel about how my large, bunless piece of chicken was really just a naked chicken nugget on steroids and it isn’t PC of McDonald’s to be sizeist! Giddy does not do justice to my feeling at that moment.

I get home, grab the fries from the bag (while I try to say my chicken=chicken Mcnuggets I do not use the sauce for the chicken, it is for the fries) cautiously pull the sauce from the bag, carefully peel back the plasticy-foily lid, take a fry, dip it in the sauce, ensure that it has a sufficient amount of sauce on it, put it in my mouth, and HEAVEN!!!! This sauce is defuckinglicious!! I do believe that I like it better than Chik-Fil-A’s Polynesian sauce, which I thought would never happen. It is great~ Perfect balance of sweet with a little hint of spice AND it is gluten-free! 😀 Unlike that Sweet and Sour sauce that I used to enjoy, but later regret 😦

 Sadly, it is only around for a limited time~ I just now must make use of the time limit and stock up, I wish they would just sell it in stores **Marketing tip to McDonald’s: Sell your sauces in stores, they will be bought!!!!!!!** I highly suggests that everyone go out and try this sauce, and as long as McDonalds will be carrying this sauce, I will not boycott it. I suppose this is more of a transient truce… And now I have to ask: Is it weird that I am seriously contemplating ordering McNuggets to get the sauce and just not eat the McNuggets so I can get as much of the sauce as possible before it is taken from me?!


Birds of a feather!! February 5, 2010

My group of friends and myself went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner last night with at lot of girls from school. Everyone was sitting around talking and having a good time. We showed up late, as usual, and were able to grab some seats at the end of the table. On the way to the restaurant we were in the car talking about how much we like Mexican food when the subject of margaritas was brought up. It was decided that we would split pitchers, seeing as you get much more booze for your buck!

So we get to the restaurant, grab our seats, and order a pitcher for us. As our drinks come, we start to settle in, take off jackets, get comfy, and look around at the other girls there. We were pretty much the only ones drinking, and the only ones that order a  pitcher. In the end we had two pitchers, between five girls, not that much, but still way more than the others. We all noted this and started to laugh about it. There seems to be a reoccurring theme when we go out with others. We are always either the ones that order drinks when no one else does, or the ones that order the most drinks.

In fact, one of the first times we all hung out together at the beginning of the school year last semester. One Tuesday night, within the first two weeks of classes, a large group of girls got together to go eat sushi. A sort of get together and get to know each other deal, which are usually kinda awkward because the majority of us didn’t know the others too well, or at all. [B] was in town, and I was able to bring him which was nice. As it happens [B] and I were late, we got lost ***I am always late, but since moving here this has become even worse due to me getting lost constantly and having no clue about where I am and where I need to be.*** So [B] and I sat down at the end of the table. I had been out to eat with two of the girls once the weekend before, but I didn’t know them well at all, and the girl across from me I didn’t know at all.

To start of dinner, [B] and I got a drink each and ordered a bottle of sake to split. The girls I was sitting with also ordered wine and sake. We started drinking waiting for our food to come, and we ended up passing the sake bottles around trying the different types. After my first glass of wine was gone, I said that I was going to get another. The girl next to me said that she wanted one as well, and we decided it would be better if we just got a bottle. Which we did, split between three of us. As we were finishing up the meal, someone mentioned sake bombs, and by that point we really were up for pretty much anything. We were talking, laughing, carrying on, and having a great time. So when we order the round of sake bombs, I notice that some of the girls at the other end of the table are looking at us kinda in an odd manner. None of them were drinking, and well, we obviously were. This was made more obvious by the fact that it was so segregated. It makes me laugh because this segregation was not intentional at all, it just happened.

And yes, when we go out now, we are still the ones to do this. It’s pretty funny, and always makes us laugh. I guess sometimes people have a kind of sense about others, and they just naturally fall into groups that like themselves. I think after that first night, we knew that we would all get along just well.


Unbachelorette part 1!! January 30, 2010

Well, it is post-unbachelorette party #1 day, and overall last night was fun. We met up at a friend’s place, pregamed, and then went out for the night. We went to a very nice bar, don’t get me wrong, but while the crowd at the bar was pleasing to the eye, it was not bachelorette-friendly. This crowd consisted of many “good-looking” people, but most of them were med or law students, AKA they were in the same boat as we are… None of them had money to be buying extra drinks, which did not bode well for us financially! ***It is important to note here that we were not just playing the bachelorette party card to get free drinks; it is a brillant excuse to wear tiaras, crowns, sashes, ridiculous dresses, and get all dolled up and all.*** So yes, this bar was filled with people in much the same financial position we are currently in, and the drinks were not flowing. But all, in all, we had a great time. We went to a couple of fun places, hung out, danced, took WAY to many pictures, and had a ball!! We eventually ended up at Korean BBQ resturant, and overall the evening was a success!! Any night that ends with friends sitting around a table sharing food and stories is a great time for me!


I know I have been negligent… December 8, 2009

I know that I have been negligent, and for this I would like to apologize. Also, I would like to let you know that will continue until Friday or so. This week is finals week for me! I have had so much to study for, and so much to do. With the end of the semester, all of my skilled procrastination has bit me in the ass! I am paying for it now. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past few days now. Unfortunately, unlike the chicken, I do not get to stop just yet. It is very fortunate that also unlike the chicken, I get to live.

So yes. The next few days I will be hanging on by a thread, a thread that I am trying to rapidly climb up to make it to the end, a thread that has also been lit on fire which is slowly working its way up to consume me. So, as I am hanging/climbing/trying not to get incinerated, I will not be able to write or read any blogs. I am just bitter right now, and anything I say will reflect this, so actually this may be a blessing for all of you.

To prove how crabby and irritable I have been, I got into a fight with my puppy yesterday, and we NEVER get into fights. That’s right, I am in such a douche bag mood, wanting to pick a fight with anyone/thing (this is what I do when I am pissed and stressed, I want every to feel exactly how I do~ angelic and kind, I know) I got into a fight with my puppy! He can’t even talk! What was this fight over?! His incessant begging! I was eating tomato soup, and he was crying and begging for some! You can’t share soup with a dog, unless you let him lick out of your bowl or put it is his! So I told him no, and to stop. But did he? Of course not! So, I got very annoyed, I held by his shoulders, made him look at me, and said in a very serious and stern voice,  “Stop begging! You aren’t going to get any! You are really starting to piss me off! You may think this crying/begging is cute, but it’s not! It is so annoying!” Well, he didn’t like that one bit. So he got up and went into the bedroom for and hour and a half. This is a big deal for my dog, normally if there is food around, he won’t leave until he knows for sure it is all gone. So we were in a fight yesterday. We ended making up later. He ran into the living room with his beanie bone as a peace offering. And we played fetch. All better!

So yes, I have spend entirely too long explaining this. Hence the reason why I can’t be on here while I have so much to do in so little time. So I will be absent for a bit. It is sad 😦 I do not like it, but it will all be over soon! Nothing like the stress of school to really get you into the Christmas spirit.


I said that I did NOT want a biscuit!! December 1, 2009

I just ran out to KFC to get dinner. I know, not the best of places, but whatever. I haven’t tried the grilled chicken there yet, and I really do love those green beans and mashed potatoes. As I was placing my order for my piece of chicken, potatoes, and green beans the lady asked if I wanted a biscuit and drink with my food. I told her no, I do not want either of those.

**I hate Pepsi products, I am a Coke product girl all the way! I refuse to get drinks (other than water) at places that serve Pepsi. This is an improvement, there for awhile, I refused to even frequent places that didn’t offer Coke products, talk about progress!**

**I also have an unfortunate situation/condition, Celiac’s Disease. I can’t eat any foods that contain gluten. For those of you that are blessedly unaware of what gluten is (I am so envious) I will enlighten you. It is a protein found in all forms of the following: wheat, rye, and barley. Before I was diagnosed, my stomach was constantly an issue, it was always hurting, I usually felt like crap, and it was not unusual for my stomach to be so poochy and bloated that I looked quite preggers, now when this happens my brother and I refer to it as my ‘gluten baby’. Awesome and not uncomfortable at all, I know! I have always had a love for breads, pastas, CAKES, and pretty much anything make with sweet delicious wheat. For example, The BREAD of Life. I can do a pretty good job of avoiding these foods, but sometimes, it really is just too much for me. And I try to avoid the situation all together if possible, because I always regret it! It is much harder though if it is in front of me, and I have nobody to rip the forbidden food out of my hand. Point in case I was hanging out with [B] the other day. He was making biscuits and gravy, I was glaring at him, and making mean faces at him, when he stepped outside. I ran, snatched a biscuit, and started shoving it into my mouth. I had about half the biscuit left when the door opened and he started to walk in. I shoved the rest of it in my mouth hoping he wouldn’t notice. He did, asked me what I was eating, I tried to be cute by smiling and shrugging, but he asked me again. I tried to talk, but my mouth was still full of biscuit. BUSTED!**

I pull up to the window, pay, get my food, and head home. I get to the apartment, and sit down to enjoy my dinner. Well, that lady did not listen to me at all! She gave me a biscuit! That bitch!!! I grabbed it, and was walking to throw it away, when I realized how warm, soft, and wonderful it smelled. I turned around and set it next to my plate. The mashed potatoes also were drenched in gravy. Gravy is one of those foods that tries to sneak wheat into me. Most gravies are made using flour. I still forget about this shit until it was too late. Well, I was not about to throw out my potatoes! So I rationalized that since I was already going to have a stomachache from the gravy, I may as well just eat the biscuit. I did and it was like a little slice of heaven in my mouth!!! Such sweet glory! Of course even as I am typing this I am starting to feel nauseated, my stomach is making some weird noises, and I can feel the beginnings of a gluten baby. But of course, this really isn’t my fault, the fault lies with that scheming KFC lady! Ugh! Being bad tastes so great, but does not feel so good at all :/


***Update on Bowled over!!***

Great news!

I got sick of having to put my dog’s food on a plate! If you are wondering why the hell my dog eats off a plate, please look at Bowled over, and over bowls. (After typing the word ‘bowl’ so many times in a row, I have decided that it is a stupid looking word, and I really don’t like it at all) It was just a little ridiculous, and when he would eat, he would often push food over the side and not eat it. I would have little random pieces of dog food on my floor, moderately annoying. So, upon returning to the apartment after Thanksgiving break, I put his food back into his bowl. I decided that when he got hungry enough, he would eventually have to start eating from one again. I was not going to budge on this issue anymore! *I can be very firm and stern when I put my foot down on something, and no one better go against it!**

So, just a few minutes ago, as I was sitting on the couch online shopping.

~I live in a huge city with an ass load of stores everywhere, and I shop online. Lame! I know. But truly, it was just too cold for me today to go out. I am not ready to accept that the weather is finally getting cooler.~

Anyways, as I was sitting and buying, I heard a pinging of a dog tag on a glass bowl. Not too big of a deal, since he was drinking water out of glass bowls the whole time. But this was not the fast ‘ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping’ accompanied with his drinking. It was just ‘ping ping ping’ slower with the sound of him crunching his food immediately afterward! I quietly creeped my curious head around the corner, and he was indeed eating from his bowl! Whoo hoo!!!!!!

SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!! I win 😀


Who counts calories for a dog?! November 19, 2009

I was at the grocery store this afternoon, and to make up for having to put my dog in his kennel while I was out, we were supposed to have sprinkler inspections in the apartment today (Everything was going swimmingly until now!) I bought him some new treats. I saw these Cesar Treats, and I really liked the packaging. What can I say, I am a total sucker for advertising! I also went out and bought that new toothpaste stuff that looks like it is a mini shaving cream and a sonic toothbrush, all because I saw commercials of them and thought that they looked neat. Total sucker! So yes, I get him the filet mignon flavored treats. I got home from the grocery store, I set the bags on the floor, and I went to let him out of the kennel. He, as he always does, ran out to where the bags were placed, and started frantically sniffing through the bags trying to see if I bought him anything. He came to the little bag of treats and started spazzing out! I took them out, opened them up, and game him one. He loved it. He immediately sat in prairie dog position begging for another. He has been going into the kitchen and standing on his hind legs begging for more damn treats all evening.

I was wondering what what in these oh so appealing treats, so I looked on the back to find out, and eww, it was gross sounding. Also, on the back, it informed me that each treat contains 7 calories. Who the hell counts calories for their dog?! I mean, come on! I truly hope that no one sits down and calculates how many calories their dog is supposed to have in a day, and how many they actually get. Trust me, I love my dog, and to me he is practically a person, but count his calories?! I can’t even count up the calories that I eat in a day! I just want to know what kind of anal-retentive OCD person has enough time to waste doing that?! Below the “only 7 calories” sign is “Feeding Recommendations: Feed as a treat, fresh water should always be kept available.” It made me think, who the hell would think that this was supposed to be dog food?! The bag is not big at all, it only holds like 75 quarter-sized treats, not to mention that the bag has the actual word “Treat” written on it at least 5 times! And who doesn’t keep water available for their dog? And what about food, why is everything else but that included, if always having water available isn’t common sense and knowledge, why do they assume people will know that about dog food as well. But seriously, I mean, if you are not the type to regularly water your dog, why on earth would you care enough about them to buy them treats?! Let alone worry about counting how many damn calories they eat daily. WTF!


Get a clue! Take a hint! November 17, 2009

Since I got some sleep this weekend, I felt that I could filter myself well enough to go out to lunch with several classmates to celebrate the ending to some of our classes. I was actually looking forward to going out and sitting around with them drinking margaritas and bitching about classes and such. It is odd how our misery is bonding us, I really don’t feel like it is a competitive environment, and everyone is so nice and supportive. We are stuck together and will be suffering with the same amount of work for the next four years, so this is a good thing. Not something that I was expecting, but it is nice and I will take it. It is better than being surrounded by catty, competitive bitches.

Well, chlamydia boy came along as well (if you don’t know who chlamydia boy is, see Oops! I did it again!). I was already sitting at the table with my drink when he came in and sat down. After a few minutes more people showed up and the table filled up. For once in my life I was early to something. This is very rare. I am pretty much late to everything, I don’t mean to be, I just am. So after all the seats around me were taken, we all settled in and started talking. Since I was out of town this weekend for a wedding, I was asking everyone what they did this weekend. I had directed this question to the girl sitting next to me, and as she was answering chlamydia boy decided to speak up and try to tell about his weekend. He continued to talk while she was talking, and eventually he got it. But when someone else started talking, he tried to interject about his weekend again! The girl kept talking and finished. She asked me how the wedding was, and I went to answer and chlamydia boy tried to interrupt yet again with his lame ass story. I glanced at the people around us, and they were looking at me, so I continued. He tried and failed one more time before finally getting to tell about his Friday night, to an uninterested and uncaring audience.

Now, I know that I can be abrupt, and can hog a conversation, but I do try to avoid this, and look for signs of boredom. If it takes you four attempts before you get to tell a story and no one pays attention or asks you to finish it, wouldn’t you think that maybe they didn’t want to hear what you have to say?! I mean seriously! GET A CLUE! Ugh. Not to mention he was trying to throw bits of balled up paper into the shirts of the girls across from him. While we are in school, we are in a graduate program. We are not children. Do not act like a childish,  idiotic, douche bag. I understand being young at heart and having fun and all that. There is a difference from having the mentality of a ten year old boy and being young at heart. I am just glad that I am not the only that feels this indifference, I thought maybe I was just being an impatient, intolerant bitch.


Bowled over, and over bowls October 28, 2009

I have a little dog, and I admit, I do spoil him, kind of a lot. But he really is my surrogate child, and we spend entirely too much time together. He has his own, very unique personality, and he is really smart. I am not just bragging because he is my dog. I am not one of those “puppy mothers” that thinks their “baby” is the best ever just because he is mine. He really is smart. I will prove my unbiasedness by saying that my dog can sometimes resemble an angler fish. You know, one of those insane looking fish with the super snaggley teeth. He has a terrible underbite, and the bottom teeth can always be seen. He has a fairly good disposition, but really isn’t too fond of young children.

As I mentioned, I do spoil this dog. But until recently, I didn’t really think that this was a problem. As it turns out, it seems to me and others that I have discussed this with, that it appears that my dog thinks he is a human. Some of the things he does, or has to have are what led me to this conclusion. First, he has to have a pillow to sleep on, if not, he will crawl up to my pillow and sleep with his head on my pillow. So he has his own pillow to put his head on while he sleeps. He also hates riding in the car in his kennel. The only way he is content in the car is if he is on someone’s lap, or is in his own seat. This has been the case for a while now, along with additional human-like qualities, but the most recent on really has me puzzled.

It started by him crying at his food bowl. He would cry at his food bowl even though there was food in the bowl. He would lean in and sniff at it, but not eat. I though he was just crying to get attention, he does this from time to time on days when I haven’t played with him as much or paid enough attention to him, so I pet him and went on with my day . That night, before I went to bed, I went to fill up his other bowl with water and noticed that he had not touched his food. This did not initially concern me because from time to time, he has displayed dog-orexic tendencies before, and has gone a couple of days without eating. I figured he was just going through one of these phases. I checked the next day, and he hadn’t eating anything. On the third day, he was crying at his bowl again. I threw out the old food, and put new food in the bowl, and he stretched towards it, sniffing, but didn’t move in close enough to eat. I was curious now, because he was on his third day without eating, so I took a treat, broke it in half, gave him one half and put the other in the food bowl. He stretched to the bowl, but would not step up to it. And he started to cry again. I was puzzled, so I remove the treat from the bowl and put it on the floor, which he walked up to and ate. I then decided to take out a couple of pieces of his food from his bowl and put them on the floor, and he ate these as well. He would also eat when I handed him food. 

This made me think that there was some sort of negative connotation with his bowl, maybe he was bit by something while trying to eat from it, I am not quite sure. I decided to get a bowl out of my kitchen and put his food in a different bowl, he hesitantly walked towards the bowl, but would not eat from it… He would eat off the floor, but not from the bowl. Since I didn’t want to pour dog food all over my floor, but I also didn’t want him to not eat. So I decided to put his food on a plate, and he walked right up to the plate and happily ate all his food. I tried to put his food in a bowl the next day, but the same thing occurred, and he cried at his food. I put the food on a plate, and yet again, he ate it all. So needless to say, my dog refuses to eat his food from a bowl, but will only eat from a plate… I mean really?! My dog is insane, but I love him all the same!