This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

I’m loving it, for 13 to 27 cents!! November 21, 2009

I like many people, love McDonald’s french fries! They are great, but what makes them even better?! That sweet and sour sauce! Nomynomynomynomynomyyyy!!!!!! Technically, there is a small amount of wheat in this concoction of tastefulness, but I pretend it isn’t there, eat it, and get a stomach ache. I do this about one a week or so. I know, I know, I know… I should not even eat those heart attack sticks once a month, but what can I say? I am quite daring. Since I can’t eat wheat I get my grilled chicken without a bun, and I am not able to eat the chicken nuggets. Other than the obvious, one meal equals my calories for the next week, I have only one other complaint with McDonald’s.

Why do some locations charge for the sweet and sour sauce and others do not? I am puzzled, are the ones charging me pocketing the extra money? They tell me that I have to pay for the each sauce, unless I am getting chicken nuggets. I explain I physically cannot eat their damn nuggets, and that technically, since I am just getting the chicken breast, it is not really a sandwich, but a giant, naked chicken nugget. Therefore, I should get my sauce for free. Sadly, I never have the change on me to pay for the fucking sauce, and they never mention this when you order so you can just charge it along with the rest of your food. But no, they say it doesn’t count as a nugget, it is a sandwich (?) and I need to pay for the sauce. What stingy jerks! I am sure that the sauce Nazi in the back will not notice one missing sauce, and I really find my giant, naked nugget explanation practical and logical. So these miserly McDonald’s charge for sauces, okay, and not all of them charge for sauces, okay??, but they charge different prices. WTF?! Why is it that sauce 27 cents at one location, but 13 cents at another location? I mean, who decides which location has the more expensive sauces? I just don’t get it, more reason why I think that the workers just pocket the money. Also why, oh why, can’t you just round the amount to a normal number? I mean seriously? Just make it an even quarter across the board~ C’mon! Ugh! I just don’t get it, at all.


7 Responses to “I’m loving it, for 13 to 27 cents!!”

  1. Jessica Says:

    I went on strike when they started to charge me .10 for each honey packet

    • divinem Says:

      Thanks for the comment and stopping by to read! Yeah, I think I will have join you and go on strike as well. I don’t even really like the fries without the sauce 😦 But I mean, it is getting ridiculous!

  2. Sooz Incognito Says:


    I haven’t even finished the article and I’m too hungry to do so at the moment. But I’ll be back!

    Dang. *sound of my stomach growling*


  3. Sooz Incognito Says:

    Ah, okay. Now that I’m scarfing down some pepperoni with melted cheese (I don’t eat pizza; I don’t need gluten-free, but trying to lose some weight and eating bread prevents that. At least in my case)…anyway, I didn’t know this about McD’s. I wonder if complaining to the manager would help. Or go above him/her and write to their corporate offices. Sauces should come with the damn food, dad-gone-it. It should!


    • divinem Says:

      Mmmmmm pepperoni and melted cheese! I will have to try that one, it sounds pretty tasty! I wish that this gluten-free thing caused me to lose some weight, but unfortunately now that my body is able to actually absorb nutrients from food, I have gained weight. UGH! But I think I will take your advice and ask a manager. Thanks for the suggestion! I think that they have a place where you can contact the people that own the McDonalds. I shall post what I find out, if anything.

  4. Sooz Says:


    I put a single layer of pepperoni slices on a plate (if you use a paper plate, make sure it’s a thick one, or use two or three, because it leaks through), then top with shredded cheese and I usually microwave it for about 45 seconds. But of course, experiment with the time. It’s so good!

    Yes, let me know what happens with McD’s. I’d be interested to know.

    I’m going to invest in a rower soon. Not real crazy about the gym and have some difficulties with agoraphobia. So at home exercise is my plan. I want to lose a little weight. Meds almost always make me gain weight (with a couple of exceptions where I lost some). But no meds at the moment.



  5. […] Thoughts, Weekend happenings Awhile ago, after much frustration, I decided that I was going to boycott McDonald’s. I put it on my “I am boycotting this place” list, and had not returned. **Yes, I do […]

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