This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

Oh, Christmas Tree!!!!! November 30, 2009

So I got really excited on my way back to my apartment and school. I love this time of year! Christmas is coming and I get so excited about getting ready for it! So as soon as I was done taking my test today, I hurried home and pulled out my tree and ornaments and started decorating. I am a cheater and my tree is fake, I bought it two years ago, and the needles and branches on it are pretty sparse. This picture just doesn’t do it justice, obviously my tree must just be photogenic or something. I guess the camera really does add ten pounds.

My family has used artificial trees for as long as I can remember. Both of my parents loved the way that the real trees smelled and looked, but there was an incident when I was about 4, and after that they bought an artificial one. Now, one may be curious as to what happened with me and the tree, so I will tell you.

We had moved across the country earlier that year and I just had a little sister born earlier that year, so obviously, my little world was turned upside down. Well, I have this thing where I get ridiculously over attached to items, pets, whatever. It doesn’t happen very often, but somehow become extremely sentimentally attached to something. Once this happens, I cannot bear the thought of not having it. I have really only experienced this like three times in my life: the tree, a stuffed animal, and my puppy. Well seeing as we had a live tree that year, it was only a matter of time before it started to lose it needles and make a mess. Plus, you can’t leave a Christmas tree up all year long. So my dad took the tree out and put it by the garbage can for the garbage man to collect. I was not okay with this. I was crying, wailing, and just overall distraught/devastated about the fact that my parents would throw out my tree! So I threw a fit, got hysterical, and my parents have never bought a real tree again.

Yes, I really do love Christmas trees! I lost my tree skirt though, sad day! I guess that means I need to go out and get a new one. I was thinking maybe something white and sparkly/beaded. Please! Let me know if you have any suggestions!


Maybe we’re all a little crazy… Or it could just be me…

I tried to stay up to date on the whole blogging thing over Thanksgiving break, and made a valiant effort at first, but then I failed. And for that I am sorry-ish. Truth be told, I was just too busy and having too much fun, which is why I am not fully sorry. It was great going home for a week, I got to see some of my friends that I haven’t seen in months~ for those that I did see, it was so great to see you and I can’t wait to hang out over Christmas break! For those that I didn’t see~ Obviously, we aren’t that great of friends, and please don’t expect me to drop what I am doing to hang out with you over Christmas break 😉 Not kidding. Seeing which people make efforts and plans to see you over breaks really gives you a good idea of who actually is a friend. Anyways…

I was out to lunch with one of my friends that I used to work with, and she was telling me about how she wants to go to physician’s assistant school. This made me laugh. Why you may ask? Does she have a terrible bedside manner? Nope. Is she easily irritable? Nope. Does she get grossed out by sick people? No. I started laughing because she, much like myself, hate to touch people (in general). As I was telling her this, she retorted by reminding me that I too hate having to touch people, and I too am going into health care.

I know what you are thinking, “This girl is a complete fucking moron, going into a hands on profession when she doesn’t want to be hands on, fucking idiot!” But, please don’t judge me. I have a bubble of space. It is my bubble, and I am very protective of keeping its perimeter secure. I am not naturally a cuddly person. I am not a touchy person. I don’t like having to shake hands with strangers that I am just meeting because Christ only knows what may be lurking on their hands! *Again I work in health care, and really some people are just dirty and sick and you don’t want to know what they’ve been putting their grubby hands on*Even with family members, close friends, and [B] (I do cuddle with [B] now, but it took awhile, and we don’t do it all the time or anything), I am not very huggy/cuddly with them either. I just like my space, and I guess I am somewhat independent, I don’t know.

As far as strangers or people I encounter in day to day activities that I don’t know well, I get really grossed out if they touch me. Like I want to scrub the affected areas and then give them a dirty look for invading my space! Trust me, I have seen what is wrong with a lot of these people, very often it is contagious, and I just don’t want to risk it.

I think that it’s kind of like that whole clown fish and sea anemone deal. I am the anemone, I will sting and want to hurt you if you get close to me because I have no idea who the hell you are or what you may have on you. The people that I am close to, ie:  if we do so happen to brush hands or something, I do not want to vomit, are like the clown fish. I know them, they are cool, not dirty, or sketchy and they are immune to my neurotic ways.