This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

I said that I did NOT want a biscuit!! December 1, 2009

I just ran out to KFC to get dinner. I know, not the best of places, but whatever. I haven’t tried the grilled chicken there yet, and I really do love those green beans and mashed potatoes. As I was placing my order for my piece of chicken, potatoes, and green beans the lady asked if I wanted a biscuit and drink with my food. I told her no, I do not want either of those.

**I hate Pepsi products, I am a Coke product girl all the way! I refuse to get drinks (other than water) at places that serve Pepsi. This is an improvement, there for awhile, I refused to even frequent places that didn’t offer Coke products, talk about progress!**

**I also have an unfortunate situation/condition, Celiac’s Disease. I can’t eat any foods that contain gluten. For those of you that are blessedly unaware of what gluten is (I am so envious) I will enlighten you. It is a protein found in all forms of the following: wheat, rye, and barley. Before I was diagnosed, my stomach was constantly an issue, it was always hurting, I usually felt like crap, and it was not unusual for my stomach to be so poochy and bloated that I looked quite preggers, now when this happens my brother and I refer to it as my ‘gluten baby’. Awesome and not uncomfortable at all, I know! I have always had a love for breads, pastas, CAKES, and pretty much anything make with sweet delicious wheat. For example, The BREAD of Life. I can do a pretty good job of avoiding these foods, but sometimes, it really is just too much for me. And I try to avoid the situation all together if possible, because I always regret it! It is much harder though if it is in front of me, and I have nobody to rip the forbidden food out of my hand. Point in case I was hanging out with [B] the other day. He was making biscuits and gravy, I was glaring at him, and making mean faces at him, when he stepped outside. I ran, snatched a biscuit, and started shoving it into my mouth. I had about half the biscuit left when the door opened and he started to walk in. I shoved the rest of it in my mouth hoping he wouldn’t notice. He did, asked me what I was eating, I tried to be cute by smiling and shrugging, but he asked me again. I tried to talk, but my mouth was still full of biscuit. BUSTED!**

I pull up to the window, pay, get my food, and head home. I get to the apartment, and sit down to enjoy my dinner. Well, that lady did not listen to me at all! She gave me a biscuit! That bitch!!! I grabbed it, and was walking to throw it away, when I realized how warm, soft, and wonderful it smelled. I turned around and set it next to my plate. The mashed potatoes also were drenched in gravy. Gravy is one of those foods that tries to sneak wheat into me. Most gravies are made using flour. I still forget about this shit until it was too late. Well, I was not about to throw out my potatoes! So I rationalized that since I was already going to have a stomachache from the gravy, I may as well just eat the biscuit. I did and it was like a little slice of heaven in my mouth!!! Such sweet glory! Of course even as I am typing this I am starting to feel nauseated, my stomach is making some weird noises, and I can feel the beginnings of a gluten baby. But of course, this really isn’t my fault, the fault lies with that scheming KFC lady! Ugh! Being bad tastes so great, but does not feel so good at all :/