This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

Yes, I am an idiot!! January 20, 2010

Sorry, for the lack of posting. This weekend/beginning part of this week was rough for me. And it was totally my fault.

As mentioned many times previously, I lose tons of stuff, and I am super unorganized. I know that what I say next may cause alarm, but I promise it is true… When I drink, this problem skyrockets. I know… What am I smoking? Alcohol can do that?! But, it is true!! Please keep this in mind as you continue to read.

I have cut back significantly on drinking. I used to have a glass of wine almost every night. If some of you think this is too much, well, sorry, I disagree. At home, I drink red wine. *I prefer the taste, but I can’t drink it out because after one glass my teeth and lips start to get purple.* It goes great with food, good circulation/blood pressure (one glass) this has been proven–

**NERD TALK ALERT!!!! IF YOU AREN’T A NERD OR DON’T CARE HOW IT HAS BEEN PROVEN, SKIP THIS!** Red wine contains polyphenols, at least one of these polyphenols stimulates/turns on the enzyme responsible for nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric oxide causes vasodilation, making blood vessels dilate. This helps to temporarily decrease blood pressure, and really helps with circulation, my hands and feet warm up, and are no longer scary white or blue-ish colored.

So yes, I have cut back. I had been drinking like 3 glasses a week, max. I have never had a tolerance, and I think my body takes longer to process alcohol than other people’s, I don’t know… I digress. I met up with my school friends and we went out Friday night. We pre-gamed— Terrible life choice, and should be avoided. Then we went to the club/lounge kinda early. We were on a guest list that closed at 11, and we didn’t want to pay $20 for cover. We get there early, and have drinks. Well, it was a long night. More people we know show up, and the night lasts longer than expected. My feet hurt, I was tired, and ready to head home. I missed [B] terribly, I always do, but being out makes it worse, we always have so much more fun together. Anyways, I closed out my tab and we are sitting around waiting for everyone to gather together so we can leave. This take some time, but we finally all get together and head home (in a cab, we were safe).

I get back to my apartment, and I go to call [B], when I realize that I don’t have my phone. I freak out, because that is the only phone I have down here, and I don’t have my school friend’s number memorized. I didn’t want [B] to worry about me, and I promised him I would call when I got home. So I did what any sane, rational person would do. I sent him an email (he never checks it, he’s worse than me) and signed up for Skype. I don’t know how it works, but I tried to no avail. So I go to bed. I wake up after a couple of hours, and I try to find my phone. My friends did not have it. I try to go to get a new one, and I find that my debit card and ID are also missing. ??

Long story short, I spend all of Saturday running around town from pay phone to pay phone trying to find my life. As it turns out, some very super, crazy, nice and considerate person picked up my phone (left it on the table while waiting for people) took it with him and contacted my emergency contact people in my phone. I drove about 150 miles all over before I finally got my phone! I really can’t express how thankful I am! I called the cabs,  but nothing was known about my card and ID. The only thing I could think of was I dropped them in there and didn’t notice. So after canceling my debit card, I decide to head home. I needed to get a new ID made, and I needed to get away to see my loved ones. It was a terrible day. I drive three more hours to get home home, and my friend calls me, she has my ID. She picked it up for me.YAY!!!

This is why there was no posting. I apologize. I am an idiot, and I was spending this weekend learning a very valuable lesson. I am definitely too old to be doing this shit, and all I have to say…. This is my life, really?!?!