This is My Life, Really?!

Just another weblog

Yes, I am an idiot!! January 20, 2010

Sorry, for the lack of posting. This weekend/beginning part of this week was rough for me. And it was totally my fault.

As mentioned many times previously, I lose tons of stuff, and I am super unorganized. I know that what I say next may cause alarm, but I promise it is true… When I drink, this problem skyrockets. I know… What am I smoking? Alcohol can do that?! But, it is true!! Please keep this in mind as you continue to read.

I have cut back significantly on drinking. I used to have a glass of wine almost every night. If some of you think this is too much, well, sorry, I disagree. At home, I drink red wine. *I prefer the taste, but I can’t drink it out because after one glass my teeth and lips start to get purple.* It goes great with food, good circulation/blood pressure (one glass) this has been proven–

**NERD TALK ALERT!!!! IF YOU AREN’T A NERD OR DON’T CARE HOW IT HAS BEEN PROVEN, SKIP THIS!** Red wine contains polyphenols, at least one of these polyphenols stimulates/turns on the enzyme responsible for nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric oxide causes vasodilation, making blood vessels dilate. This helps to temporarily decrease blood pressure, and really helps with circulation, my hands and feet warm up, and are no longer scary white or blue-ish colored.

So yes, I have cut back. I had been drinking like 3 glasses a week, max. I have never had a tolerance, and I think my body takes longer to process alcohol than other people’s, I don’t know… I digress. I met up with my school friends and we went out Friday night. We pre-gamed— Terrible life choice, and should be avoided. Then we went to the club/lounge kinda early. We were on a guest list that closed at 11, and we didn’t want to pay $20 for cover. We get there early, and have drinks. Well, it was a long night. More people we know show up, and the night lasts longer than expected. My feet hurt, I was tired, and ready to head home. I missed [B] terribly, I always do, but being out makes it worse, we always have so much more fun together. Anyways, I closed out my tab and we are sitting around waiting for everyone to gather together so we can leave. This take some time, but we finally all get together and head home (in a cab, we were safe).

I get back to my apartment, and I go to call [B], when I realize that I don’t have my phone. I freak out, because that is the only phone I have down here, and I don’t have my school friend’s number memorized. I didn’t want [B] to worry about me, and I promised him I would call when I got home. So I did what any sane, rational person would do. I sent him an email (he never checks it, he’s worse than me) and signed up for Skype. I don’t know how it works, but I tried to no avail. So I go to bed. I wake up after a couple of hours, and I try to find my phone. My friends did not have it. I try to go to get a new one, and I find that my debit card and ID are also missing. ??

Long story short, I spend all of Saturday running around town from pay phone to pay phone trying to find my life. As it turns out, some very super, crazy, nice and considerate person picked up my phone (left it on the table while waiting for people) took it with him and contacted my emergency contact people in my phone. I drove about 150 miles all over before I finally got my phone! I really can’t express how thankful I am! I called the cabs,  but nothing was known about my card and ID. The only thing I could think of was I dropped them in there and didn’t notice. So after canceling my debit card, I decide to head home. I needed to get a new ID made, and I needed to get away to see my loved ones. It was a terrible day. I drive three more hours to get home home, and my friend calls me, she has my ID. She picked it up for me.YAY!!!

This is why there was no posting. I apologize. I am an idiot, and I was spending this weekend learning a very valuable lesson. I am definitely too old to be doing this shit, and all I have to say…. This is my life, really?!?!


I’m keeping my promise!! January 15, 2010

I was trying to think about what to write for today. And in my efforts to keep my promise, I am not going to whine. So I just have some scattered thought that have been bouncing around in my head.

1. My dog is really super spoiled. While this should not come as a surprise to me, it does. I was in bed last night reading, and he jumped up on the bed (yes he sleeps in the bed with me, and does have his own designated pillow and side of the bed) with a rawhide chew in his mouth. He walked up to my left arm and put his mouth and chew near my hand. I automaticallly reached out, grabbed the chew and held onto it while he proceeded to chew away on it. It took me a few minutes before I realized what had happened. He gets really into eating these, and when he gets close to gnawing off a piece, he puts his paws on my hand and pushes against my hand to help him rip off the piece. This is when I noticed what was going on… My dog has trained me! I hold his damn bones for him to chew, and I do it automatically now! Wow!

2. I was driving on the interstate the other day, and a fire truck got on with its lights flashing and honking. But did it fly by me on its way to help put out the fire? No. not at all. It was practically crawling. Then I got to thinking why and where does it make sense that the only people that seem to actually pay attention to the speed limit are ambulances and fire trucks? If I were needing either one of these, you better bet that I would want it fucking flying! Screw the speed limit, come and save my ass! I mean, yes, they must be safe, and avoid causing any wrecks themselves, but really?! I was going about 80-85 *this is with the flow of traffic, on the interstate traffic is either crawling/stopped or most people go about 80* and the fire truck got on just a little ahead of me, and I, along with my fellow motorists, has passed it in no time. I mean, really, I think they should be allowed to at least go with the flow of traffic!

3. As I was looking into my review mirror watching the sluggish fire truck, thinking how lucky I was that there is one literally across the street from where I live… Yeah, the sirens suck! I didn’t think about that upon moving in, but at least if my shit goes up in flames or I need some other form of assistance, even at their slow pace, I will have help at my door very shortly. So as all this is going through my mind, the lights of the fire truck are turned off, and it goes into the slow lane. Talk about a let down! I mean, for the firefighters. I mean, there they are, sitting at the station chilling, doing what they do when they aren’t saving people, and the bell starts ringing! Then they all get up, rush to get their gear, slide down the pole, hop on the truck, and come screaming out of the station. *By screaming, I am talking about the sirens, because obviously they are speed-cautious drivers* So the lights are going, you are in your gear heading to a fire or other emergency situation, and I am sure that adrenaline rush is CRAZY! So there is probably some getting yourself ready mentally, psyching yourself up to go and do what needs to be done. I mean if  I knew I was going to have to run into a flaming building, I would definitely need to pump myself up some… So here they are sitting in the truck pumping themselves up, adrenaline flowing, and then… All systems not go! Just kidding! Lights off! We’re slowing down even more, and now we’re done. Thanks for the speedy response, but you are no longer needed. LET DOWN! While if I were a firewoman, I would personally be stoked. I am not made to fight fires. I would not be able to hold the hose, break down a door, or  carry anything out of a burning house weighing more than 30 pounds max (I am counting in the adrenaline rush, which is why I said 30). But really, I mean, there you are all set and ready to go, but then, no dice. Let down.


What the?! There is white stuff falling from the sky?! January 7, 2010

I live in a region where we do not get a lot snow. With this most delightful miserable cold wave (is that what the opposite of a heat wave is called?) we are getting snow today. I am still at home, I am the ultimate procrastinator, and have yet to return to school. Snow here is a big damn deal around here. The schools let out early today, and I am pretty sure the stores have all been out of bread since like Tuesday. Lucky for me, not everyone knows about the garbage, crumbly, fake bread I get to eat! Whoo hoo! At least Celiac’s is good for something! So yes, even on Tuesday, with the prediction that there may be snow coming, people freaked out and bought up all the bread and milk. So today, as I am driving to the house, my gas light came on. I stopped by a gas station close to my house, and it was packed! There were lines at each pump. Kroger was packed, and all the schools were getting released early.

This is supposed to be the “Bible Belt” and I am really confused as to why whenever it snows, the mass majority acts as if the world is about to end. I don’t know much about the Bible or anything, but I am pretty sure the apocalypse and snow are unrelated. But, I mean, I could be wrong. It is just that I am so rarely wrong. But seriously, the way people act and around and talk about snow here, you would seriously think that the world is about to end. Snow is like a natural disaster here. If there is a minuscule amount of snow on the side of the road, you best watch out for the all the other dumb ass drivers. I swear, just because there is a microscopic bit of snow on the road, these dumb asses decide that the entire road is iced and snowed over, and they will be going off the road. It is just a matter of time. So while trying to drive out in these apocalyptic conditions, you must pray and hope that one of these dumb shits does not decide to drive off the road while you are around them, because odds are they will take you off the road with them.

So now that the end of the world has officially begun, and will continue until the snow melts and passes us and people can wait until its next strike, I am stuck in my house. I would like to get out, but due to the sheer idiocy of those around me, I will be trapped in my house. It is pretty sad, I do not have to worry about the roads being too bad to get out, but the other drivers being to bad to even attempt getting on the roads with them. So it looks like it will be a little while longer until I can make my way back to school. I love it when I get to procrastinate and legitimately blame it on something else 😀


Restricted: Two or More Persons Only… Ugh! October 29, 2009

Where I live, the interstates have HOV lanes where cars with more than one person can drive in it, but it is restricted to cars with only one person in them. I usually commute alone, and as I am stuck in the lanes for everyone, I always glance over to see the HOV lane… It is rarely backed up like the other lanes, and the cars in it just cruise past on their merry way. When the interstate it packed, super crowded, and going approximately as fast as an inchworm, I sit in my car and dream of ways that I can get into that wonderful moving, speeding, functioning lane. I could be the asshole that gets into that lane with just me in my car, and I have often contemplated this. Sadly, what stops me is the fact that I have really shitty luck when it comes to cops and getting tickets, and I don’t want to get pulled over and given a ticket, not the fact that it really is just bitchy on my part. I have often wondered if my dog would count as an additional person in the car, I mean, he thinks he is a human, and he does sit in his own seat and wears a seat belt…. But I don’t really know if a cop would agree. I also was thinking I could get one of those blow up dolls and put a wig on it and strap it in the seat. I think, that with tinted windows, I just may be able to get away with it! What a great way to help reduce time sitting in traffic. Just pull the doll out of the glove compartment, blow it up, put the wig on it, cross over that forbidden solid double line, and… Voilá!!!! I magically have access to the oh-so restricted and tantalizing HOV lane!